Our Awesome God

Several years ago, while we were still living in Kansas City, I felt a desire growing in my heart.  It was pretty simple and straight forward......a desire to live by the water.  I must say that I couldn't understand it!  Here we were, living in Kansas City in the middle of the U.S.  You couldn't be much further from the water!

I wondered if it was something going back to my childhood.  I grew up in Galveston, Texas - an island.  The Gulf of Mexico was about a mile from my home.

I tried to forget about this desire, ignore it, think it would go away.......but it got stronger.  I really didn't know what to do about it, except to pray and give it back to the Lord.  As I did this, I became increasingly convinced that it was of Him, but I just didn't understand it.

If you are reading this you will know that we now live in Cape Town, South Africa - an ocean city.  When we moved here and began looking/searching/praying for where we would live, I kept thinking of that desire that had been in my heart.  It could be that God was preparing me for our move to Cape Town, but I wondered if there was more to it.  The end result is that we have ended up in a neighborhood that's on the Atlantic side of the Cape Peninsula.......looking out at the ocean about a mile away.  It's still hard for me to believe how specifically the Lord prepared my heart for the change that was to come in our lives.

One of my delights is looking out at our ever-changing view of the water and mountains.......and thinking about how what I'm seeing reflects different aspects of God and His character.  Beautiful, peaceful, calm, stormy, awesome colors, majestic, ever-changing yet solid and firm, cloudy, sunny, rainy, windy.  Every time I look out the window, I feel like my soul is touched and blessed.  God always ministers special things to my heart.

If my heart is troubled, if I'm concerned for our safety and security, if I'm tired, if I'm discouraged, if I'm missing friends and family........being by the water and thinking of how it reflects my Father constantly speaks to me.

I would have never known I needed this - or what it would mean to me in this season, but God did!  He prepared my heart by the desire He put there.....and He carried me through all the changes to where we are now.  He also, very literally, fulfilled that desire He put in my heart.  I am in awe!  What a great God He is.  He knows and understands us better than we know ourselves!

"A desire fulfilled is sweet to the soul."  Prov. 13:19

Growing Older

One of my "heroes" is a lady named Lura Garrido.  She was Floyd's secretary in Amsterdam many years ago.  Lura speaks Spanish and was very concerned for the Spanish speaking prostitutes in the Red Light District where we worked.  She asked Floyd for half a day a week to minister to those ladies.  Then she needed a day a week, then 2 days, then.......she went full-time working with them.  She eventually planted a church among the converts.  That church has grown to become quite large and is thriving.  She went on to plant churches in other cities as she led more women to the Lord.  Lura is now 89 years old, still living in Amsterdam, still pastoring/mentoring, still vibrant, still going strong.  She's such a wonderful example.  She's truly a hero for me!  What a wonderful, Godly lady.  Someone said, "what we weave in time, we wear in eternity."  Lura is going to have some beautiful "garments" in heaven!!

I recently turned 60 - the big Six-O!  I told Floyd he's married to an old woman now.  :}  A friend told me that 50 is the new 30, so I guess 60 is only 40 - so actually I'm not very old yet!  The amazing thing is my mind still tells me I'm about 25!  I'm not sure how all that works.  I guess whatever season of life we're in, attitude makes all the difference!  I want to still do so much.  It's just some days my body can't keep up with my head!

I actually don't mind becoming older.  I've found that as the years add up, God's faithfulness multiplies!  I love thinking of His goodness, His faithfulness, His provision, all the answers to prayer.  What an absolutely wonderful, fantastic God we serve.

I've decided to enjoy my age.  With great glee I got my first "senior discount" this past week!  I always love a bargain!  I couldn't wait to tell Floyd about it.  One of my friends encouraged me that I'm now in a season when your kids and grandkids begin to tell you you were "right" about things.  I look forward to that!  :}

Birthdays, especially the big ones, are a wonderful time to reflect.  I've been thinking that growing older isn't a time to coast, but to climb.  I want to keep moving into all that God has for me.......which, hopefully, will include many more years here to serve Him.  I trust my best years are still to come.  I want to die young at an advanced age someday.

"They shall bring forth fruit in old age....."  Psalms 92:14

We Take So Much For Granted

I've been reflecting lately on how many things we know and learn in life that we just take for granted.  They don't seem like a 'big deal.'  For instance:

  • knowing how to plan/organize

  • knowing how to study

  • having/managing a bank account

  • knowing how to use an ATM machine

  • having a budget

  • how to mail a letter

  • learning how to drive

As we grow up, we learn so many of these life skills so easily.  The opportunities are there to learn them.  We don't really stop to think about them, we just learn and do them.

But many of the poor and disadvantaged in the world don't have this opportunity.  In our almost 2 years here, I have found myself helping so many people fill in a bank account deposit slip - or showing them how to use the ATM machine.  The look of helplessness on their faces at facing these simple tasks and not knowing what to do is heart breaking.  One day I stood in line at the ATM for a long time behind a man.  I couldn't imagine what he was doing that was taking so long.  Finally he turned to me with a look of agony on his face, and said, "could you please help me?"  I was so glad I was there to do that.

A friend here told me of a recent experience she had.  She knew her husband was meeting a couple of young men from Masi, one of the townships nearby, at the bank to do something.  She went to the mall, and was surprised to see one of the young men just wandering around.  She asked him about the appointment with her husband, and he gave some vague explanation of why he wasn't there.  They talked for a few minutes, and it suddenly dawned on her.  He didn't know how to get in the double lock security door at the entrance of the bank!  You wait for a green light, open the first door and go in, let that door close, then wait for a green light to go in the second door to then enter the bank.  She went to the bank with him and helped him get in.

Such a simple thing - but if you don't know how to do it, it's a big thing!  In the culture many of us have grown up in, we would have looked at the door/system if we didn't understand it and thought "what's wrong with this door?!"  To those who haven't had the opportunities and training we've had, they look at the door and think "what's wrong with me?!"

It is so important as part of our "mission" here that we impart self-worth, security, and dignity!!  It's one way of spreading the "glory of God" when we let people know how valued they are in God's eyes because He created them.  When we have opportunities to teach and pass on simple life skills, it does so much to do that and to help a person feel good about themselves!

"God created man in his own image."
  Genesis 1:27

The Importance of One

Recently I read the story below of the starfish.  It made an impact on me!

"Once a man was walking along a beach.  The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day.  Off in the distance he could see a person going back and forth between the surf's edge and the beach.  Back and forth this person went.  As the man approached he could see that there were hundreds of starfish stranded on the sand as the result of the natural action of the tide.

The man was struck by the apparent futility of the task.  There were far too many starfish.  Many of them were sure to perish.  As he approached, the person continued the task of picking up starfish one by one and throwing them into the surf.

As he came up to the person, he said, 'You must be crazy.  There are thousands of miles of beach covered with starfish.  You can't possibly make a difference.'  The person looked at the man.  He then stooped down and picked up one more starfish and threw it back into the ocean.  He turned back to the man and said, 'It sure made a difference to that one.' "

I remind myself that this is the approach and attitude I must continually keep in my heart.  The needs are so overwhelming here in Africa.......impossible to meet them all, but I can daily look to make a difference in one person's life.  I think this is true for all of us whether we live in Africa, Asia, America, or anywhere.

Last year I noticed a man living in an empty lot on a busy corner by a traffic light.  He lived under a tree with some pieces of cardboard, a wooden box, and several dogs.  People would sometimes stop and give him money or food.  I often looked at the man, thought about him, wondered about him, prayed for him.......but I never stopped.  One day I noticed he was gone - and then I found out he had died.  I felt so convicted!  I had never once stopped to talk to him about Jesus, and now he had passed into eternity.  I don't know if I'd talked to him if it would have made any difference.......but it could have.  One person......a few minutes.......it could have been like the starfish.

It's made me more sensitive to the promptings of the Spirit to say something, do something when I feel that tugging on my heart.  I can't make a difference for the hundreds, but I may be able to make a difference for the one.

"Rejoice with me for I have found my (one!) sheep which was lost."   Luke 15:6

When Opportunity Knocks

When I was growing up, I often heard my mother say - "when opportunity knocks, answer the door."  My mother had sayings for just about everything - I only wish I had wrote them all down!  Common sense, fun, amusing phrases of wisdom!

In my mind, the word opportunity has always had a positive meaning or connotation to it.  It's an unexpected benefit or possibility......a chance for something because of some favorable circumstance.

The idea of "opportunity knocking" has taken on a different, and much less positive, meaning here in South Africa.  Crime has been rising, and some of the most common crimes are what they call "crimes of opportunity."  Someone may not be planning a specific crime (usually robbery), but when they see an opportunity, they go for it.  Usually there is an open door or window that is right there in front of them, so they reach in or walk in and grab what they can get quickly.  The most popular items seem to be lap top computers, cell phones, money........but anything is fair game.  I heard of one person who had a vase stolen that was sitting by the window, and another person lost a jar of peanut butter.  It doesn't seem to matter how valuable the item is.......it's just there ready to be taken.

A friend of mine has been trying to save her extra rand to buy bricks to pave her walkway.  Whenever she has a little extra, she buys a few bricks (R.7 - $1 each).  She was getting a nice sized pile of them and was ready to make her walkway.  Then one day she looked and the pile had almost entirely disappeared.  She found out people had been taking them 2, 3, 4 at a time from her yard and just walking away.

I would like to suggest that we pray for this trend to be reversed........that we ask for eyes to be blinded to these types of opportunity!  I think we should pray for a greater fear of the Lord in people's hearts.  Fear of the police or of being caught doesn't seem to be working!  I remember hearing testimonies of the revival that came to the Hebrides islands.  When revival came, most of the bars were closed because no one was going to them!  The move of the Spirit was so great, and the fear of the Lord was so strong in people's hearts, that they left the bars and knelt in the fields crying out to God in repentance.  I believe that type of move of God can happen again!  Would you join with me in praying for a miracle like that here in South Africa?  Let's believe for a revelation of God and His righteousness, a birthing of the fear of the Lord in people's hearts, that will begin to break the stronghold of crime.......all kinds of crime, including the ones of opportunity!

"The fear of the Lord is the hatred of evil."  Psalms 8:13


The months seem to be flying by in a blur.  We've been here almost 19 months now.  For most of that time I've seemed to constantly be running around just to trying and keep my head above water.  To say it's been busy would be a gross understatement!

We've just had a week in the African bush.  It's been heavenly.  I feel as if I've finally been able to take a deep breath!  The warm, dry climate - the stillness - the wide open space - the gorgeous sunsets - all have been so refreshing.  Even Sossy, our dog, seems to have a new lease on life!

During the busyness of these past months, there has been so much I've wanted to write about.  I'm going to attempt to still do that.  There's never a dull moment, day, week, month here!

One of the things that's become very evident to me here, it that this has truly become "home" to us.  When you make such a big/major halfway-across-the-world move, well, you wonder if it will "work."

Almost immediately it "felt" like home.  When we moved into our own place and then unpacked our stuff, our memories - we were surrounded by home.  Now it feels like we've been here forever.

It is a wonderful testimony to us doing the possible (we moved), and God doing what seemed impossible (even away from family, friends, the familiar - it's home).  He is so faithful!

Home is where the heart is, and I guess my/our heart is here now.

"God gives.......a home."   Ps. 68:6

An All-too-Common Problem

When we were preparing to move here to South Africa, we talked about the problem of crime in the country. I wanted to work it through in my heart so that I was prepared for whatever we would face. If God was calling us here, I wanted to live in peace, not fear. I believe that everyone who follows Jesus should live where they live because they are called to be there. I believe we're all called "full time." Sadly, a lot of Jesus followers don't know that, or live that way. The sad result is they don't live like they are called, with a sense of destiny and passion. And of course, they don't have grace for what they do and where they live because they are doing it on their terms, not God's. I was determined to prepare my heart for our new location.

We talked about the fact that we would probably face a robbery or something worse someday. Unfortunately, it is all too common-place. It's rare to talk to anyone who hasn't been effected by crime in some way. Well, the anticipation is over. We've faced our first......and second experiences.

One of the crates containing some of the things we shipped over was broken into while in the locked customs warehouse, and boxes of our things were stolen. Very sad after making it half way around the world!

We also had a man attempt to break into the house where we were living with our friend. We were very suddenly woken up at 3 a.m. one night when a burglar was prying open a window and broke the glass on the window. Fortunately no one was hurt, and he ran away. After dealing with the police, etc. we were all awake for the rest of the night.....and slept lightly for many nights afterwards.

During the same few weeks, there was a shoot out at a grocery store nearby when some men tried to hold up an armored car picking up cash from the store. A coffee shop was held up the next night. A friend who had also just moved here had quite a few valuable items stolen by a workman in her home. It was not only a financial loss, but each piece was a symbol of a special time, season, place, event. Very sad for her!

Two guys on one of the visiting outreach teams were robbed at knife point and threatened one evening. They weren't hurt, but it was a frightening experience.

I'm sure all our guardian angels work overtime watching out for us here!!

The poorer people in the townships suffer even more. They face crime and risk to their lives daily. They live with the threat of danger and violence constantly.

It would be easy to become "accepting" of this problem - to see it as just a part of life here. I've instead been feeling the need to rally prayer support that the "stronghold" of this crime spirit would be broken and contained. And that faith for the country to be changed would invade the hearts of believers. I know we can't do that alone. We need hundreds, thousands! to do that. Would you join us in praying for this?

"One shall put a thousand to flight, and two put ten thousand to flight....." Deut. 32:30

Great Faith? Or Wishful Thinking?

When we moved to South Africa it seemed like a huge impossibility for us to buy a home. Many reasons - lack of funds, very high prices, not being able to get a mortgage (a "bond" in South Africa), etc. We looked at places to rent, but found that to be a very discouraging process. There were few places available, and the ones that were on the market were too small, too expensive, or too awful!

Through a series of God-ordained events, we found "our home." It's a house that had been on the market for quite a while, but because of it's different, not really South African style, had not sold. The owners had lowered the price considerably, but it was still too high for us.

At the counsel of a wonderful Christian realtor (the father of a young man in one of the All Nations house churches), we made a very low offer. Unbeknown to us, the owners had also received a full price offer, but they would have had to move out right away. They are retiring to England, and wanted a longer process for their move. We could continue house sitting/living with our friend Maureen, so that was fine with us to wait longer. They countered our offer with a price slightly higher than our low offer, and we had a deal. It was really quite remarkable. It all happened in 4 days.

Meanwhile, the dear realtor had investigated and found out we could get a mortgage on the type of visa we have, so things moved speedily ahead. The Lord wonderfully provided the down payment........and here we are now renovating and hoping to move in in a few weeks.

Early in the process, a missionary friend shared how the Lord had provided a home for her and her husband. They had been blessed in such a way that their home was paid for before they moved in! When I heard this, something stirred in my heart. I've felt an urgency to pray daily for a similar miracle for us - because that's what we would need......a "mighty miracle!"

There are days when I don't know if my heart is stirred with great faith or just wishful thinking - but I can't seem to get away from this impression in my spirit. I haven't been able to just shake it off.

So I'm wanting to ask if you would pray with me/us?! Maybe God has a "mighty miracle" to encourage us all! Whatever happens, we are so grateful for His guiding us, opening doors for us, providing for us in all the ways that have led us to this home in South Africa. As a 16 year old when I went on my first missions trip, I would never have dreamed of all that my life would have in store. God has been so good! How faithful He is!

"God gives.....a home to dwell in." Psalms 68:6

George.....and friends!

I recently had quite a surprise when I looked outside on the living room deck and saw a large baboon walking along the railing. I had heard of "George," as he's called by everyone in the neighborhood, but this was my first time to "meet" him. Baboons normally move around in large groups called troops, but George had gotten into some kind of trouble and was dismissed from his troop. He now travels alone.

I called Floyd to come see George, and by this time Sossy, our dog, had spotted him too. She was barking furiously while pawing at the door trying to get outside. George just sat and looked at her while munching on berries he'd pulled off one of the bushes. He obviously didn't feel threatened at all by this barking house pet!

This week we were visited by the whole troop of baboons. Fortunately, at the house where we're living, all the doors and windows were closed. They only managed to get into the outside garbage can and scatter rubbish all over the yard and driveway.

But, later in the afternoon, they visited our team house! They walked right by one of the girls who was sleeping on the deck - and headed straight for the kitchen. They made quite a big mess while enjoying a container of homemade muesli. Then they headed for the guest apartment over the garage and caused more havoc there. They surprised a mother and her 4 children! The toddler spotted one of the baboons and said "doggy." The mom took the children and left.......while the baboons checked out the fridge. They ate 20 eggs!!

I love having guests and visitors, but I hope these "visitors" don't come back too often!

As I've said before, every day is an adventure when you live in Africa! You can never tell what might happen next.

"And God made.....everything that creeps upon the ground." Gen. 1:25

Ministering Dignity - Holistic Spirituality

We're in a season of hosting a number of short term teams from overseas who are coming to minister here. We're often asked if groups of people coming into a new culture can really do much good in 2-3 weeks. We always say emphatically "yes!!" Recently we had a small example of what can be done.

We live near a wonderful HIV/Aids ministry/hospice called Living Hope. Some of the young ladies on one of the teams went to the hospice one day. They planned to give manicures and pedicures to all the women in the hospice.

They had noticed one lady in particular who was always quiet and withdrawn, always sad. After she'd received her manicure and pedicure, they were quite stunned to see her dancing around and quietly singing to herself. As they listened closely, they realized she was singing over and over - "today I'm a lady!"

If all of the teams came and only touched this one life - it would be so worth it! For a few hours/days, they ministered beauty and dignity to this suffering woman.

Some people define spiritual ministry as only taking place when someone is praying or preaching. We believe it's an act of worship to Jesus to serve those with AIDS and minister to the poor in whatever loving, serving, encouraging, or practical way we can.

"Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me." Matt. 25:40


It's winter here in the southern hemisphere.  Well, technically, it's still autumn - but we've had lots of "winter" (read cold!) days.  We've also had many pleasant, sunny days, so it's not all bad.  But the weather has turned, the nights are definitely cold, and my 'used to central heating' body is going through some major transition!

I've been told I'll be a true Cape Tonian when I've survived my first winter here!  I think I may need to increase the prayer support.  I'm used to living in cold climates (blizzards in Afghanistan, cold/wet weather in Amsterdam, snowy Colorado, ice storms in Kansas City), but the big difference for me here is the lack of heating.  I must confess that I puzzle over that concept.  I find it hard to function/work/be sweet when I'm shivering and watching my breath in the air.  I just want to curl up in a ball (like our dog Sossy) and try to keep warm.

Some homes have fireplaces.  Our home-to-be doesn't, but we would like to build one in.  Some people use electric heaters.  Many, I'd say most, don't.  I was with some friends recently in very cold weather.  We were all bundled up and the topic of conversation was how very cold it was.  As I walked through their home, almost every window and many outside doors were wide open.......now that's another concept I don't understand.  I'm told it's to have fresh air.  But, hey! that fresh air is freezing cold!!!

We're still house sitting for a friend here.  During the very first cold spell I was going to light her fireplace.  I wasn't quite sure how the flue worked, and Floyd wasn't home, so I decided I'd better wait.  When Floyd came home, he found a dead pigeon stuck in the flue.  Thankfully I escaped the aroma of roasted pigeon in the house!

Our winter clothes are still mostly packed away in our boxes (hopefully we'll unpack those in Aug.), so I'm keeping warm by layering.  Some days I look like a little roly-poly doll, but it works!  Floyd says I'm an angel when I tuck the hot water bottles in our beds at night.....I do miss my electric blanket!  I guess I've been pretty spoiled by some of these creature comforts.

All in all, I'm very blessed and can't complain.  I'm living in a lovely home, I have a roof over my head, I have clothes to wear and food to eat, and a dog and husband who love me.  I'm just praying my blood will quickly thicken up for the winter here!

"While the earth remains.....summer and winter......shall not cease."   Genesis 8:22

Anybody Can Be a Missionary!

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not a typical front line type person! I prefer to be in the background. I'm more practical. I enjoy helping to get things done by serving and working behind the scenes. You won't find me preaching on a street corner. I most likely won't be leading an outreach team.

And here I am, in South Africa, helping to pioneer and develop the ministry of All Nations in Cape Town. It could seem like a bad fit! Yet I'm happy, I'm challenged, I'm loving being here, and I'm finding what God has for me here. We've been here about 7 months, and I already feel very much at home. It seems like we've been here much longer!

One of the ways that I "fit" is by loving people one at a time. I find God has people for me to encourage and build friendship with all over the place - at the bank, at the post office, at the shops.......I don't even have to look for them. He has strategically placed them all around me. All I have to do is listen to that "still small voice" prompting me to say something, reach out in some way, to someone right in front of me.

The other day I was in a huge long queue (line) at the grocery store. I was joking with a couple in front of me, and then the husband left. I somehow knew I was to talk with the lady about Jesus - which we did for about 10 minutes while standing, waiting to check out. It was one of those moments when I knew God put me here in South Africa for that lady.

Small home groups are starting to be formed around contacts that different ones of our team are making. Soon U.S. summer teams will be joining us, so we hope to be meeting/ministering to even more people.

We can all talk. We can all be friendly. We can all share about the most important person in our lives - Jesus. So we can ALL do this! If I can do this, you can too!! Want to come join us in South Africa?

Floyd, Sossy (our Airedale Terrier) and I are doing well in our new homeland. Sossy communicates from the outside balcony with the whole neighborhood! We're all finding our place here!

Forty Years

Floyd and I recently took a couple days to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary.  Forty years.  Wow - that's a lifetime!  I have lots of friends that aren't even that old.  The children of Israel wandered in the desert for that long.  When we speak of it, we talk about how l-ooooo-n-g that was!!  And, now, we've been married that long!  Incredible.  How did that happen?! :}

Some days when I think about it - it seems like forever.  It's hard to remember not knowing Floyd.  At other times, it seems like we just got married last week.  However long or short it is, it's certainly been the best years of my life!

Every day, every week, every month, and, yes, every year has been an adventure!  I would have never, ever, in my wildest dreams have dreamed what my life with Floyd would be like.  Who, but God, could have known?!

We've seen the world.  We've had amazing adventures.  We've had highs and lows.  We've had "richer" and "poorer."  We've had "sickness" and "in health."  We've had "better" and "worse."  We've had "wither thou goest."  We've had it all, so to speak.

I wouldn't trade a day of it - even the hard ones! - for the way God has directed and interwoven our lives.  He has been so faithful to us.  We know each other in strengths and weaknesses, and love each other in spite of, or because of.  The good days have brightened our love - the hard days have deepened it.

I'm very grateful for the lifetime we've had together, and hope we have 40 more.  We'll be hobbling around by then, but it'll still be a fun adventure.  I'm thankful to God for giving me such a wonderful partner in life.

And now we find ourselves beginning a new life and adventure here in South Africa.  Some would say we should be relaxing, "retiring," slowing down.  Well, I do move slowly some days, but we're not slowing down.  We're at the outset of a new chapter in our life here on earth.  I wouldn't begin to imagine what all it will entail.  But I know there'll never be a dull day.  God is good!!

"The Lord your God is with you wherever you go."  Joshua 1:9    Amen!  He has been with us for 40 years!

My Favorite

I must confess that I don't like the kinds of questions that have to do with "biggest," "most," "best."  You know the kind I mean.  What is your most embarrassing moment?  What is the best.......?  What is your biggest.....?  I don't tend to think in those terms, and I always feel so put on the spot.......like I have to come up with a wonderful answer.

And yet the other day I found myself thinking along these lines......my favorite verse (see it quoted below).  I love II Cor. 12:9!  Probably because I've needed the truth it contains so much in my life!

I love the way the verse says His grace "is" sufficient.  It's present tense.  It wasn't just available yesterday.  It won't just be available in the future.  It's available right now, this very minute, if I need it.  I have only to call upon Him.  He doesn't always remove the problems from my life, but He does give me what I need to walk through the problem.  He helps me persevere and endure.

I like to be strong and up for the task, but this verse lets me know that in my weakness, if I'll lean into Him and receive His grace, He can more clearly shine through me in His power.  He gets the honor and glory - not me!  There have been so many times in my life when I KNEW I couldn't do something, couldn't persevere through something........but I knew He could through me.  He's given me the strength and courage to face things I couldn't have otherwise.

There are so many situations that I think back to:  living in Afghanistan, raising our children in the red light district of Amsterdam, living with physical pain, walking through conflict with friends, nursing our daughter in her illness, facing the possible loss of my daughter and grandson when he was born, leaving friends and family to move to a new land, trusting God for miraculous provision.......the list is endless.  If His grace hadn't been there, I couldn't have made it!!

In our life now in South Africa, I feel so inadequate in response to the need.  The problems, the needs, the numbers are so great.  I don't know if I have the wisdom, time, or energy to meet them.  It can be overwhelming if I focus on myself.  His grace is ministered to my heart when I think about His infinite power and might.

I must say that I feel my "age" as well.  At age 58, I just don't have the strength and energy that I had when I was 20 or 30.  I can't go as long and as hard.  I need my sleep, and even a nap now and then.  I have some aches and pains that I didn't use to have.  I do feel "weak."  How grateful I am that His power can be shown forth in spite of my age-related weaknesses.

The comfort and testimony of looking back to how He's helped me in the past gives me assurance in facing the new challenges of my present life.  I'm weak, inadequate......but He IS sufficient.  That's why I love this verse!  It is my "favorite."

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. I will all the more gladly boast of my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.........for when I am weak, then I am strong."  II Cor. 12:9, 10

We Will Succeed

We live near a township called Masiphumele, which means "we will succeed."  I love that!  The confidence, courage, statement of faith that the name reflects is wonderful.  The name is on a stone sign at the entrance to the neighborhood - proclaiming the desire and hope of success.

As we meet people from "Masi" and as we work there, you can see that some people believe the statement and others seem apathetic or defeated.  I'd love to drop a ray of hope and faith into all their hearts.  We're trusting God will give us the ability to help improve their lives and help them succeed.

Knowing what their name means.......and how the first people there chose it as their statement, has challenged me personally.  I've asked myself if I believe we will succeed in what God has called us to do here.  At times the needs seem so overwhelming, so impossible, so........just too much!!  I wonder if the little we are able to do can even make a dent in the big picture.  It seems like every day I learn of more needs.  Down the road from Masi is Ocean View, another community, a larger one with similar immense needs.

It's been a good opportunity for me to keep my focus on God.  If I focus on the needs, I do get overwhelmed.  It's too big.  But if I focus on God, I'm encouraged and strengthened.  I guess that's true for all of us wherever we live, and whatever the needs around us may be.

I was praying about this recently and was reminded of the loaves and fishes.  Wow - 5 loaves, 2 fish.......and 5000 men plus women and children (I'm sure there were lots!) were fed.  With seconds and left-overs!  You can't beat that.

I remember one Christmas in Amsterdam when we were feeding the homeless.  We had cooked for days - worked to have a wonderful meal.  Then Christmas eve. there was a problem, and all the food spoiled!!  All the stores were closed, people had been invited.....and no food.  We quickly gathered what food we could from our staff households and started cooking again.  When the day was over, we had fed everyone who came - hundreds of them........and we had food left over to send home with our staff.  We had our own miracle!

So, yes - with my eyes on God, my hope in Him, strengthened by my knowledge of who He is - I know we will succeed.  That's my hope, my prayer, and that's why we're here.

"We have only 5 loaves and 2 fish.  And he said, "Bring them here to me."  And they all ate and were satisfied."  Matthew 14:17, 18, 20

Led by a Cloud

When I've read the Old Testament story of the children of Israel being led by a cloud each day after they left Egypt, I've often wondered what that meant......or more specifically, what it might have looked like.  There are clouds every day.  What's to distinguish one from another?  What makes one more special?

When we lived in Holland, we saw lots of clouds.  They were massive - filling the whole sky.  There seemed to be more clouds than earth.  When you looked out the window, you saw a little bit of land, but most of the view would be clouds - great masses of them!  And they just hung there!  They didn't seem to move very quickly.  They stayed there and brought gray days and rain.  The sky was often very bleak and heavy looking.

Since moving to Cape Town, I have been fascinated by the clouds here!  They are huge, and move quickly through the valley where we live.  They may move east for awhile......and then later I'll look, and they're moving west.  Sometimes there are 2 types of clouds moving in opposite directions.  Some clouds hang low in the valley, others are high above us.  Sometimes the sun is shining through the clouds making them almost too bright to look at.  Very rarely do the clouds here stay still.  They seem to always be on the move.

The clouds and the ocean seem to have a distinct relationship - working together.  Sometimes clouds roll in from the ocean and disappear as they reach land.  On other days, it's the opposite - they roll from land out to the ocean and dissipate quickly.  It's fascinating and constantly changing.  I can see why people would be drawn to study them and learn from them.

I don't think I've been "led" by them yet, but I've certainly enjoyed watching them........and thinking of the one who created them!  How vast and awesome is He!!  Clouds are mentioned so often in the Word.  In the Old Testament, His presence was often in the cloud.......in the New Testament, He spoke out of the cloud at Christ's baptism.  I look out the window at these beautiful clouds and sense His nearness all around me!

"The Lord God went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way......and did not depart from before the people."  Exodus 13: 21, 22

I Think I Need Translation!

I am still learning the "English" language here.  I've written before about wondering if we speak the same language.  So many words are new, different, or used differently.  Here are some more I've been learning:

  • hoot: to honk the car horn

  • rocket: a green leaf vegetable used in salads and cooking

  • pudding: dessert

  • rates: taxes

  • tuck shop: a snack shop

  • a flat: an apartment

  • sweets: candy

  • biscuits: cookies

  • a "couple" biscuits: two of them

  • a "few" biscuits: more than two of them

  • panel beaters: car body shop

  • plaster: a bandaid

  • caravan: a camping trailer

  • tekkies: sneakers, tennis shoes

  • bring and braai: a potluck

  • trolley: not the San Francisco cable car, but a grocery cart

I am constantly learning new ones!  One of my favorites was a newspaper ad I saw recently.  The advertisement was for beds - specifically a style of bed called a "sleigh" bed because of its shape.  Something was lost in the translation however, as they were advertising a "slave" bed.  I laughed for a long time over that one!!

"Now the whole earth had one language and few words."  - Genesis 11:1  Maybe it would have been more helpful if we'd stayed that way!!

Daily Life

I'm regularly asked what my daily life is like in South Africa.  In many ways it's the same.  There's still laundry to do, the house to clean, groceries to buy, errands to run.....the ordinary things of life don't change.  I guess the biggest difference in that area is that things seem to take longer.  There are many "conveniences" we live with in the U.S. that we take for granted and even consider them to sometimes be necessities.  A lot of those are missing in South Africa, so doing "life" takes longer.

I sometimes feel myself caught between a 1st and 3rd world country........a country in transition perhaps.  South Africa is a lovely country.  Many things are definitely modern, cutting edge, and "1st world."  And then there are other things that seem 3rd world.  I hesitate to even use those terms because they don't seem to do justice to the reality of life here.  Let's just say that there are areas that could do with some attention.

It's still in many ways a "paper society."  It seems strange to be helped by someone who is sitting by a computer, and yet they are writing everything out by hand with multiple copies being made by carbon paper.  Or they may be adding figures on paper by long hand when there is a calculator near by.

Because I handle all our finances and bookkeeping, I also do all our banking.  I think this has been one of the biggest adjustments for me.  It took us weeks and many, many trips to the bank before we could even get a bank account opened.  Getting checks to use this account took a while longer.  It took weeks for one and then months for the other to get the cards we needed for our financial business.  We use one card to get money from the bank and another card to make purchases.  Transactions that I'm used to taking care of at the bank in five minutes can take 60 - 90 minutes.  I constantly have to tell myself to slow down, relax, and be patient.

I see people, on a daily basis, getting irritated and rude because of these stresses of daily life.  I don't want to be like that or respond like that.  Smiling, chatting with people around me, praying, and thinking of ways to express appreciation helps!  I find myself constantly adjusting my expectations of time, and how much I can accomplish in a certain amount of time.  My "to do" list for each day never quite gets done.

There don't seem to be any 2 days alike.  I find myself each morning looking at what needs to be done, and asking the Lord for wisdom on which things to tackle that day.......not unlike what my life has always been like!  So daily life for me is much the same......but different.  Different people, a different country, a different culture, different ways of doing things.  But life still gets done!!

I'm happy here.  I'm grateful to be here.  I'm thankful for all the ways the Lord has helped us in being here.  It's home now........and becoming more precious to us day by day.

"Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established."  Proverbs 16:3

Missing Out

Our grandson, Luke, just celebrated his 4th birthday.  We received the email invitation to his party at the zoo.  We sent our regrets.  We knew he wanted a bicycle.  We sent a check for his parents to buy that for him from us.  We called on his birthday to talk to him.  After 3 attempts, we managed to actually speak to him.  We assured him we loved him, and told him we wished we could come to his party when he asked if we would be there.  We watched the DVD sent by email of his party.  We wished we could have been there to join in the celebration.

These are the kinds of events that pull on my heartstrings now because I'm living half a world away from my 2 grandchildren.  I miss them!  I miss seeing the changes in them.  I miss watching them grow up.  I miss being close enough to talk to them any time I want for as long as I want.  I miss sending them surprise packages to remind them that I love them.

This was by FAR the biggest issue I had to process in moving to South Africa.  After a number of years of being very ill, our daughter was told by doctors that she would never be able to have children.  The Lord wonderfully healed her, but it was still uncertain if she would be able to conceive and carry children.  I never accepted the doctor's statements as fact, and prayed for years that we would have these little ones.  The story of each of their births is a miracle and testimony to God's goodness and power.  We are so grateful for their lives.  They are truly a gift from the Lord.

And now I'm so far away!  Overall I've had a great rest and peace about this.  In processing our decision to move here, I worked it through in my heart with the Lord, and it wasn't an "issue" any more.  But there are moments, like special celebrations, when I feel the distance.  I feel like I'm missing out.  Luke's birthday was one of those.

I had a good talk with the Lord about it!  I expressed my gratitude for the phone and internet that keeps us in good communication.  And I thanked the Lord again that we have these 2 dear ones.  Many medical experts said they weren't to be, but God's thoughts and ways were higher.  Near or far, they are a gift from Him.  I will enjoy and celebrate their lives.  I'm glad Luke had a 4th birthday!!

"David was greatly distressed.....he strengthened himself in the Lord his God."  I Samuel 30:6   I joined David in this.....my burden was lifted and my strength renewed.

Facing Fear

There seems to be one consistent, often discussed topic of conversation here - fear, and concern for safety.  Friends talk about it, shopkeepers talk about it, strangers talk about it........there's an article in almost every issue of the newspaper and it's a popular topic on the television news.  I am regularly asked why we came to South Africa.  People say to me that it's not safe here.  Why would I leave America?  Why would I choose to live here? Many are leaving South Africa and moving to other countries out of fear.  I happen to believe that God will bring others to replace them who are called to come out of love.  I think Floyd and I are part of the latter group.

Floyd has thought for years that we would probably live here someday, but I wasn't so sure.  I had my own reasons for that, but, yes, concern for safety was one of those.  It was something I needed to think and pray through in making our decision to move here.  Actually, when it came right down to it, it was pretty straight forward - being in God's will is the safest place to be!  I had a deep sense of calling that it was God's will for us to be here.  It doesn't mean there won't be problems, it just means He'll help us with whatever we have to face.

I remember when we lived in the Red Light District in Amsterdam, Holland.  It certainly wasn't your typical "safe" neighborhood!  People thought we were crazy to live there with our two young children.  Besides all the prostitution, there was drug dealing, fighting, crime, pornography, satanism......if you can think of an evil, it was probably there.  And, yet, we loved living there and felt safe!

We had a young Dutch woman who worked with us for a couple years, and then she made plans to move to England to study.  On her last evening in Amsterdam before taking the train to England, she came to say goodbye.  As she walked into our neighborhood that evening, she was consumed with fear!  She had lived and worked there boldly......not sensing fear........and now she was overwhelmed with it.  As she contemplated what was happening to her, she felt the Lord speak into her heart:  "During the years you lived and worked here, my grace was upon you.  Now you're coming in as a visitor.  I wanted you to see the difference so you can encourage the workers that I'm with them - even when they don't realize it."  I'll never forget her sharing that with us that evening........and I've remembered it all these years since. I am sure there are many instances in all of our lives when God has protected us, and we've not even been aware of it!  I'm so grateful for that.  My heart is increasingly consumed with a love for this country and the people here.  It's not something I can "work up."  I know it's from the Lord.  I can't think of anywhere else in the world that I'd rather be.  I'm careful.  I'm cautious.  I try to be wise.  But I don't live in fear.  I think that's a testimony to His grace!  For years now I've had a problem with sleep.  I've actually slept better since moving here than I have in a long time!  My mind and my heart are at rest in Him.  I think we can face fear, and come to a place of rest and peace.

"You will not fear the terror of the night, not the arrow that flies by the day.......For he will give his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways."  Psalms 91: 5