Masiphumelele Outreach

Our team is working with disciples to raise up indigenous leaders, starting in Masiphumelele, spreading across South Africa up into Africa and beyond.

We received a specific word from the Lord to move to Cape Town, to serve the poor by sharing the good news of Jesus. Our vision is to share with the poor and oppressed so the Spirit of God might move across Masiphumelele.

In over a year we’ve seen numerous house churches started, and a variety of ministries begun to serve different needy people groups.

We desire to have a simple house church of committed believers on every block in Masi, looking after its own in the neighbourhood. Providing a place of safety, a group of believers for prayer, a stop for rest, an intimidating light against the power of darkness. A place where Jesus dwells in the midst and reaches out to the needy.

Why Church Planting Movements Don't Happen in Christianized Lands - So Far


There are massive movements taking place all over the wold right now. North Africa. Iran. India. China. Africa. Millions of new believers are coming to Jesus. Five million among the Bojpuri in India is just one example. Believers are suffering for their faith and the church is being born in unimaginable sacrifice.

Why aren’t we seeing the same results in the Christianized West? Three reasons:

  1. Lack of obedience to the word: One example: followers of Jesus don't pursue finding the person of peace, finding one who's oikos is open, then making disciples among them, as Jesus instructed in Luke 10

  2. Traditional ways of doing church encourage a "watch the main man on sunday" mentality instead of every believer getting out and making disciples through a lifestyle of obedience.

  3. A lack of willingness to suffer and sacrifice. It takes sacrifice to plant churches and Western believers don't believe in sacrifice.

Recently, I wrote to a young church planter in the making in the United States. He was worried about finding a church or a team to work with. Here is the advise I gave him:

"i would love to stay connected to you guys. It is going to take some pioneering and persevering for you to start simple churches with others there where you are. Best bet is go door to door in a poor neighborhood until you find a person of peace and then if their family or network is open, start a Jesus bible study with them. Don't call it church, just study the world. Two qualifications: the person of peace has to be open and their network (oikos) has to be open to doing regualr bibles studies. Get them to the word, teach them simple bible study and watch God speak to them!!!

We have been learning how to do that with "discovery" bible study approach in cape town... very simple. Based on belief that God is drawing people to Jesus by the spirit, that He will teach people through the word if they study it together, and group discovery is much more powerful than individual study because you are imparting the DNA of a future simple church while it is still a study. For example, everyone participates. The bible is the focus. There is accountability to each other to obey what they are reading. It is focused on non-believers studying the word together.

There are three steps to doing the discovery bible study method:

  1. choose a passage that is short about obedience, hearing holy spirit, Jesus, etc. ask people to write it down from their translation.

  2. ask them to write it down in their own words

  3. ask them to read it and write down things they hear God saying to them that apply to their lives that they should do in the next week

Lead the bible study 2 times. Then turn it over to someone in the group to lead. You model it first two times, then in the following bibles studies you sit on the outside of the bible study circle and watch as new leader leads the same process of discovery. Doesn't have to be a christian to lead it, preferably not in fact.

This is the MAWL method of caoching: model, assist, watch, leave

You are a commando bro. You are an army guy. You can do this! It will take pioneering leg work, sweat, tears, loneliness and lots and lots of prayer, then more prayer, but practice luke 10. Go to the poor and the overlooked and you will find them!! Look for the person of peace, the person is open and has a network of friends he or she can gather.

About wanting a team to work with you: don't look for them among the sheep but among the wolves (luke 10:3). This is why Jesus said to His disciples to pray for laborers from the harvest. He didn't want the new believers to be tainted by religious people. Find your team amongst the unsaved. Maybe go door to door and say you want to start a bible study for people who are not church attenders but who want to look at Jesus again. Shake the dust off your feet from those who are not HUNGRY! Do bible study in their home, with non-believers. It must be open seekers, not cynical or highly christianized (they have too many non-biblical preconceptions)."

I am passionate about seeing disciples made who gather and reproduce themselves in others. May God empower us to see massive numbers of new believers, but much more important, to see transformed individuals, families and communities.

May God empower believers in Christianized lands to find new wineskins to hold the wine of millions of new believers.


Belonging Happens Before Believing Happens Before Behaving

  • We ask people to believe in something before they belong to it. Jesus asked his followers to belong to his movement before he asked them to believe. He understood that belief is not a set of propositions to give ascent to, but a person to know, love and then obey. Jesus approached building his community the opposite way that most of us do today. He invited people to join him before they understood his mission or who he was. He was inviting them into intimacy, into friendship with him. They were part of a community.

  • This truth reminds us that people buy into the leader or the community before they buy into the vision or beliefs of the leader or community. Belonging precedes believing precedes behaving. Being loved and accepted comes before changing our behavior.

  • If leaders lead a life of love and integrity and the community exudes love that is genuine, people will go on the journey, they will walk a pathway with the community that leads to change in their lives.

  • The movement Jesus started was radically different from the religious legalism and control of his day. Religion has a nasty way of messing up relationship.

Church Is Gospel Is Community

Acts 2:42-47, 4:23-37, Romans 12:1-21, Luke 6:12-37, 46-49

The community of disciples Jesus gathered was the re-birthing of an ancient dream in the heart of the Father. God created Adam and Eve and Israel and the church and you and me to have a people for himself, to be his image in the world, to share in his passion and purposes. To have such a community lies at the very center of the eternal purpose of God. The church is not plan B, some kind of divine afterthought. The church was not an accident. The church that Jesus was gathering and building was the rebirthing of God’s purpose.

Extreme Intense Severe Radical Relentless Unyielding Focus


I am burdened for those people in the world who have never heard the name of Jesus one time. They are gathered around the globe in their own language/cultural groups… what we call tribes or peoples.

An unreached people group is different than an unevangelized people group in that:

- an unreached people group does not have a sufficient number of churches and believers to evangelize the remainder of their own people group; they lack the strength of numbers or resources to be able to share Jesus with all the other members of their people group. Often it is because of persecution, fear, lack of discipleship and terrain (mountains or jungles or deserts separate them from others of their group).

- an unevangelized PG is one where no one among the people group who speaks their language has heard the gospel. a least evangelized PG means very few individual people have heard the gospel in that people group, usually less than 1%.

In light of the above, imagine this: more than 90% of the churches resources world-wide goes to work with the already reached and already evangelized people groups of the world. That means we are pouring huge amounts of money and effort and people into helping those who have already heard the gospel. We are giving time and energy to help people learn about such good things as inner healing, how to do inductive bible study, good parenting skills, Sunday school, men's ministries, etc., etc., while over one third of the global family, approximately 3.3 billion people, have never heard the name of Jesus one time in their life, and never will unless someone learns their language, and then braces extreme weather and living conditions to go to them with the good news of Jesus.

On top of that, those who are unreached and unevangelized are the poorest of the poor. They die because of lack of water or water borne diseases. In some people groups over 65% of the children die before the age of 5.

So, in my mind their is a place for local churches and ministries and organizations and networks to declare that we must all work energetically to change that 90% to 50% of how our resources are spent. It will take a massive mind-set change, and a new level of courage and suffering. There there are reasons why the unreached are unreached and the poorest of the poor are poor: they are in the hard places. All the easy places have been taken.

There are about 5875 distinct unreached and totally unevangelized tribes and peoples in the world. We know where they are, who they are and what languages they speak; so it is a matter of focus and dedication, not ignorance, to reach them. It will mean tremendous focus, shall I say, passionate focus, or, extreme focus. While local churches continue to be preoccupied with self-preservation and church growth where they are, running bigger and better programs to attract more and more already evangelized people, we will never reach the unreached and respond to the poor of the earth.

Some people want to argue about the best way to do church, the right form of church government, how to run the programs of the church, etc. I have no interest in such discussions. Maybe I did when I was young and argumentative. No more. I want to see one thing while I still have breath: people who have never heard His name hear their is a God who made them and has not forgotten them.

it will take extreme intense severe radical relentless unyielding fierce FOCUS to share the love of Jesus with people who have never heard his name. My plea is for those people.

With gratitude to Jesus,


Too Much Form and Too Much Freedom

People all over the world are getting liberated to be faithful members of the body of Christ and yet not be bound by institutional forms of church. There is a difference between the wine, the church, and the forms church takes, the wine skins. Jesus gave his disciples, and us as his disciples, the wine skin analogy so we would be free from religion and controlling religious leaders, yet know we must have some structure (the wine skin). Minimal biblical structure includes gathering in community, communion/worship, mission, elders/apostolic input, and giving and receiving. Wonderfully, we are given freedom by our Father to follow the leading of Holy Spirit to create and discover new wine skins.

There are two extremes when it comes to wine skins: rigid self-righteousness - "we know how church should be done and if it is not done the way we do it, you are wrong", and formless freedom. The challenge is to find a balance between enough form to build a healthy community, and sufficient freedom for people to re-discover and re-imagine the wonder of being the friends of God who live lives of devotion to Jesus and his purposes in the earth.

Welcome to CPx


The letter below is from one of our team leaders here in Cape Town, South Africa. He is writing to welcome new students for our leadership training program called CPx. I thought you would find his letter insightful about what happens in a CPx.



Hey everyone!

My name is Gawie Malherbe. I'm part of the All Nations family here in Cape Town and the CPX planning team.

The date for CPX is coming closer and we are so excited about all of you arriving here soon! We are so excited about this year's CPX and we've been talking and planning for months about all we would like to see happen in CPX 2009.

I'm a part of the Red Hill team here in Cape Town and as you might have read in some of the stories, God has done amazing things in this community! We are so excited this year to see God take everything He has done to a new level as we believe him for leaders to be raised up within this community. We believe that we can see our 'little churches' lead by the people in Red Hill. That is the heart of what we are doing. We don't want to catch fish only, we want to see God raise up fishers of men that will impact Africa!

So what do you expect God to do in your life during CPX? I know for me it has been an incredible journey of understanding His heart more. I attended one of the first CPX's in Kansas City in 2002 and it's been an incredible journey ever since. Understanding the part God would like us to play in seeing His glory touch lives, families and nations... Redefining 'church' and coming to a fresh and Biblical understanding of what church is all about... Coming into a new boldness in sharing Jesus with people and seeing God touch and change lives before my eyes...

In All Nations we focus on three core values:
Love God
Love each other
Love those who don't know Jesus

In my own life I have realized that living in the Spirit and making these values a part of every day life leads to incredible adventure!
Are you ready for it?

I just want to close with an encourage from Paul's letter to Philemon. I think the translators battle a little with the translation of this passage because it sounds a little different in different translations, but I just love how the NLT puts it:

Philemon 1:4-7
”I always thank my God when I pray for you, Philemon, because I keep hearing about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all of God's people. And I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand and experience all the good things we have in Christ. Your love has given me much joy and comfort, my brother, for your kindness has often refreshed the hearts of God's people.”

That is my prayer for you for your time in CPX. That you will learn more about all the good things you have in Jesus and that you will learn how to put into action the love that He has placed inside your heart for Him and His people.



You See Bones - I See an Army

Floyd's new book, ‘You See Bones - I See an Army’ can be ordered directly from the publisher. The "Bones book", as Floyd calls it, is a best seller in Holland, South Africa and other countries and has recently been released in the United States.

Floyd's book answers questions about new expressions of church on campuses and in the market place, the difference between "horizontal and vertical" leadership, and repenting from church as religion.

Click here to buy it from the publisher!

How an Eight Year Old Boy Started a House Church

Matt is my son, a quiet, mild-natured 8 yr old who wouldn't easily be classified as the next 'Billy Graham' evangelist. But last year he became really friendly with a kid in his school and as they chatted about being a christian one day, Matt asked him if he'd given his heart to the Lord, "because just saying you are a Christian isn't enough". Jamie said no, and that he wanted to do that. Mandi, my wife, who'd overheard the conversation as she drove them back from school that day, felt it wise to consult with Jamie's mom and indicate that Jamie was "interested in spiritual things". Also that if they wanted us to meet with them to talk we'd be happy to do that. No one in the family served the Lord but there seemed to be some hunger to learn more and Mandi chatted about starting a spiritual group in their home. To our delight she agreed and said she'd invite some friends.

That was 6 months ago and now God has birthed a thriving house church where several people have been saved, both kids and adults. Tonight as we meet there will be about 30 people who'll be there, hungry to learn more about Jesus. Probably the most rewarding thing of all for us is to watch Jamie and his mom, dad and sister, delighting in the life that Jesus has brought into their home as they now all serve Him. Last night Jamie's dad smsed me saying he'd read somewhere the words of a song that said: "'I have decided to follow Jesus. Though none go with me, still I will follow." How powerful and beautiful a message is that? A changed life is such a powerful expression of Christianity, but a completely changed family is the truest expression of the gospel message. Through them many people have and will still come to know Jesus!

By Neil Hart

God Loves Muslims!

How would Jesus respond to Muslims? We know how. He would treat them like he treated the Samaritan woman at the well, the Roman centurion who came to Him for help, and the tax collectors and prostitutes. Jesus would treat Muslims like he treated Simon the Zealot – the Zealots were urban terrorists of the day – he would invite him to follow Him! Jesus would treat Muslims like he treats you and me. With love, respect, and huge compassion and amazing grace.

One of the greatest challenges we face as followers of Jesus in today’s world is how to respond to Muslims and violence in the Middle East. Some believers are fearful that Muslims are our enemy and are “out to destroy our way of life.”

Should we circle the wagons in alarm and fear? Should we warn everyone how bad Muslims are and alert people of their plots to “destroy our nation,” as one American believer said to me?

No fear! No hatred! No, none for us who follow Jesus. We have a calling from God to love Muslims. They are not our enemy. The real enemy wants us to see people as our enemy. We should respond in the following ways:

  1. Pray with love – ask God for that love if you don’t have it

  2. Believe God with faith – believe God to reveal Jesus to every sincere seeker and to those who don’t seek!

  3. Give sacrificially – give your life to go and give your finances to help others go

Let’s up the ante, shall we? Let’s call the enemies bluff. He has not power except that which people give him. Let’s meet fear with faith, hatred with love, and cowardice with compassion. Let’s be like Jesus!

A close friend, Carl Medearis, has written one of the best books you will ever read about Islam. It is titled Muslims, Christians, and Jesus: Gaining Understanding and Building Relationships