The Seven “C’s” of Great Visionary Leadership
/Confidence - security to carry out the vision - the opposite is a driven, insecure, controlling person
Capacity - emotionally to endure opposition to see the vision become a reality - the opposite is a person who is emotionally fragile, emotionally unstable or emotionally unhealthy
Competence - skills to organize people and manage resources to see the vision come to pass - the opposite is a person who lacks the skills to lead the people around them through each season of growth as they fulfill the vision
Calling - from God to persevere and endure - the opposite is a person who is acting in the flesh, who has human enthusiasm for a vision or dream but not the leading of God’s Spirit
Character - necessary to live righteously as they see the vision come to pass - the opposite is a person who yields to temptation and is compromised by pride, or immorality, or ungodly behavior
Concepts - knowledge from the Bible to build on truth and sound doctrine - the opposite is a person who teaches false doctrine or is easily deceived by false prophets or false teachers
Core-values - that are apostolic in nature and kingdom oriented in order to sustain and give quality and depth to the vision - the opposite is a person who is guided more by an unbiblical world view and cultural blind spots than by kingdom values, a person who at the core of their being is a prisoner of worldly values