News After Round 3
/Hello all, Some moments have felt dark on this chemo/cancer journey I'm on. Strangely, I sense the Lord's care and peace with me continually, and yet there have been moments that feel dark because of the pain and suffering.
While praying and worshiping this morning, I realized that often the "darkness" is simply because I'm in HIS shadow! I'm not alone, I'm not in a bad place, it's not a sinister darkness.......He's just covering me with His wings and protecting me, staying very close to me. It gave me a whole new perspective! I'm safe, I can relax in His shadow and trust in His care for me. I love that!
I've been reminded that my oncologist told me each round of chemo would get harder, and I would get weaker and tireder. I think I forgot that detail. :( Thank you for continuing to pray for me. I definitely need it! I'm a week past round 3 of chemo. Round 2 was so much easier than round 1, that I think I expected (hoped?!) round 3 would be "easy" too. Not the case! It's been rough. Yesterday was a particularly bad day. I was feeling low in every way.
I was encouraged with some good news I had when I went in for my chemo this time. My cancer marker numbers are down, which means the chemo is working and doing its job! My white cell count was slightly higher too, an answer to prayer.
In a recent update I asked you to pray with us about Floyd going to Jordan for a strategic conference with our International Leadership Team and young leaders gathering from around the world. They will be ministering in the refugee camps among Syrians who have had to flee their country. And they will be seeking the Lord for how we're to respond and be involved in the needs in the Middle East.
We both feel a peace about Floyd going. He'll leave shortly after my 4th round of chemo. We asked the Dr. if I could delay that round until his return, but she said that would not be wise. Because we're seeing good results, she didn't think we should interrupt the process that's taking place. So we're setting up a system of care for me here while Floyd is away. Thank you for praying with us! We're so grateful! And please, would you cover me with your prayers Sept. 25 to Oct. 5, the days Floyd is gone? Also, please continue to pray for my right kidney to recover and start functioning.
Next week here in Cape Town is our annual staff and leadership gathering for our workers we have sent out over the last 8 years. Please pray for God's purposes to be fulfilled for our time together as we thank Him for all that's been done in the past year, and seek Him for the year ahead.
I won't be able to participate, but Floyd will be part of these meetings. One of our biggest blessings in life are the wonderful people God has brought into All Nations to work with us. Such a gift. It's always special to have these times of gathering together.
I will be focusing my energy for rebuilding my strength to get ready for round 4. It's nice to be half way through after round 3. :)
Blessings and love,
Sally & Floyd