He Sees Us

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I had a sweet visit with Floyd this past week.  He gave me a good smile when I told him about our grandkids arriving safely.  I told him some things we had done, and he got very teary.  

I hate the Christmas season coming to a close.  It's been special - and it's been wonderful to "reflect" on different aspects of the Christmas story.  Some have been familiar - others have been new to my thinking.  My heart is full and overflowing.  I look forward to next Dec. when I can begin anew.

One of the things that struck me this year was some of the "hidden" people of both the story of Christ's birth - and also from his life.  Anna who I wrote about was one of them from his birth story.  We don't hear much at all about her - only 3 verses written about her, and yet she was a very special woman of God.

I've thought about how the life of Jesus is marked right from the beginning by His "seeing" people, seeking them out, noticing them, calling out to them.  We aren't hidden from Him.  He sees each and every one of us.

Jesus saw the children that the adults were pushing to the side.  He saw women at the back of the crowd - or ones that society rejected.  He saw the lepers.  He saw the sick who were waiting for a miracle.  He saw the lonely ones.  He saw the ones who were ignored by those around them.  He "saw" the woman who touched the hem of His garment.  He saw the man up in the tree.  He saw the open heart of the man hanging on the cross next to Him.  Jesus always looked to see people.  He understood that each one was precious.  None were hidden from Him.

I take such comfort in this because I know it means He sees me!  In many ways my life is a bit "hidden" right now.  I'm on my own a lot.  It's not a bad thing - I need the peace and quiet to spend time with Him and to recharge my batteries, and to allow my body to heal with the treatment I'm on.  I can't "do" as much as I used to do.  I can't "go" a lot of places because I simply don't have the energy.  I often don't feel I'm accomplishing much - especially in relation to how our life has been so full and busy over all our years.  And yet, I feel so "seen" by the Lord.  I know He is right with me.  I sense His presence with me moment by moment.

And I want to encourage you that He "sees" each one of you in whatever your situation is.  He loves you, He cares for what you're going through, He listens when you pour out your heart to Him, and He is working to help you in what you face.  He is WITH you.  You are not overlooked.

Being seen by Jesus has nothing to do with power or status.  It's not about our accomplishments.  We may even be in the background, but He sees us and loves us for who we are.  In fact He's created us as the kind of person we are or aren't.  We are each uniquely created in His image.

"His eyes are upon the ways of a man, and He sees all his steps."  Job 34:21  

"The ways of a man are before the eyes of the Lord, and He watches all his paths."  Proverbs 5:21

"My eyes are on all their ways; they are not hidden from My face."  Jeremiah 16:17

"Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His steadfast love."  Psalm 33:18

Not one single one of us is "hidden" from view from the Lord!  We may think that others are getting more of His attention, but that's not true.  He is working, faithfully working, on behalf of each of us.  He sees us.

It's hard to believe that it’s a new year!  In spite of all the hard things we've walked through, the year seems to have flown by.  You would think it would feel the opposite! 

I never dreamed that our unexpected journey would continue on for so long.  It still seems so unreal.  And yet, here we are facing another new year.  It feels a bit daunting to me.  I have to be very careful not to allow my mind to wonder about all the "what ifs" of the year ahead.  I remind myself that His grace is (and has been) sufficient for each day - not for the months ahead.  God doesn't give His grace to us to be stored up.  He meets our needs one day at a time.

In fact, as I've been thinking about this, I've felt the Lord prompting me to just take it "one step at a time."  I'm a planner, a do-er, I like to be organized.  But there has not been one single thing about this unexpected journey that I could plan.  I have had to face things as they come, and ask God for wisdom and direction in knowing how to deal with them.

It's actually quite encouraging.  I can't face the "mountains" that loom over my future......but one step at a time seems like something I might be able to handle.  Because of my numb feet, I have to be very careful about walking - watching and being aware of each step I take.  I guess it's the same on this journey.  As I daily take each step, I can also be aware of what God is saying.  I can receive His help for each step.  He may even take me on a different path so that some of the things that look so big in my future may even change.

One step at a time, holding His hand, listening to His voice, trusting in His goodness and faithfulness, and keeping my eyes on Him sounds like a good plan for the new year!

"My God is one step ahead of me with His mercy."  Psalm 59:10  The Voice

"As you go, step by step, I will open up the way before you."  Proverbs 4:12  (a literal translation)

"My feet have closely followed His steps; I have kept to His way without turning aside."  Job 23:11

"The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in Him."  Psalm 37:23

"In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight."  Proverbs 3:6 

"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."  Psalm 119:105 

I'm grateful that I can keep holding his hand as I walk through the new year.  I can't face the whole year ahead.  Sometimes I don't even think I can face the whole day ahead, but with His help I can face one step at a time.  I know He'll keep me steadily on course for whatever is ahead.  A "blessed New Year" to each one.  We are safe and secure in His hands.