The Manger and The Cross

It seems that the Lord keeps speaking to me through songs.  I woke up one morning with the words to a song going through my head.  I hadn't heard the song in years, but it was very clearly on a repeat loop in my head.  I began to ask the Lord why He brought it to my mind.

I believe in a hill called Mount Calvary
I believe whatever the cost
And when time has surrendered
And earth is no more
I'll still cling to the old rugged cross.

I realized we are in a time of change.  There are wars and rumors of wars.  There are institutions that have stood for decades, some for a hundred years or more, that are crumbling.  Things we have counted on are no more.  Things that have made us feel safe and secure are falling away.

I live in a country that is changing at every level.  People are nervous about the future. 

But one thing is strong and as sure as it's ever been - that wonderful old rugged cross.  It wasn't something we'd call "pretty," but it is awesomely beautiful in what it stands for in our lives.  It is what gives us life because our dear Savior died on that cross.

In this season when we are celebrating the birth of Christ - and thinking of him being born in a stable and laid in a's important to remember how the story ends.  The baby grew up and died for our sins.  I'm so grateful that Jesus came - and even more grateful that He gave His life for me, for us.  Thank you Jesus.

"You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins."  Matthew 1:21

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son."  John 3:16

"The message of the cross is hidden in the message of the cradle."  anonymous

Thank you, Jesus, for the manger and the cross.  I worship you for both during this Christmas season.