He Encamps Around Us

In the midst of an emergency last week, I thought "I bet some people are praying for me."  We had a very close call with a fire.  It started in a field just down the road, and with the very high winds we had it spread incredibly fast.  

It was at the edge of our village in minutes - and continuing to spread.  The firemen evacuated some of those on the edge.  I began throwing things into bags - with the smoke getting really thick inside the house.

I left to go be at a friend's house who was out of the smoke field.  My son, who was helping me, went back to water our roof and help the firemen who were pulling hoses through our property onto the mountain.  The fire was halfway down the mountain by then.

Thankfully, it was still daylight and the water bombing helicopters arrived soon.  They're amazing!  They beat back the fire before they had to leave as it got dark.  I returned home shortly after - very, very grateful that I had a home to return to!!

There were flareups during the night, but there were lots of firemen on the mountain taking care of them. 

Whew!  So much adrenaline!  I'm so, so thankful to be safe - no homes lost - no injuries. 

"For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways."  Psalm 91:11

"The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and delivers them."  Psalm 34:7

I'm grateful for the angels that were watching over us and I’m grateful for the prayers that are prayed for me.