Living With Courage and Boldness

Every day we brush shoulders with people who can only make it through life by showing tremendous courage. They live in the disadvantaged communities of Cape Town (Masiphumelele, Red Hill, Ocean View... and others). and face danger and deprivation as a way of life, yet they are rich in love, dignity and joy. They have chosen to follow Jesus, and though they look to Sally and me for leadership, they are the real men and women of courage. I wonder how I would do if I lived in a one room shack? Or my father threatened to disown me if I did not offer sacrifices to ancestors? Or I was a single mom who had to hide my children from an abusive former husband who threatened to take my children while I was at work?

Today I will take 10 young men and women of courage to see a movie about another man of courage, Nelson Mandela. For some, it will be the first time they have been to a theatre to see a movie. I have spent ten wonderful days with these young heros of the faith, teaching them and mentoring them in the ways of God. Now we will take some time to celebrate.... it is one way we want to bring some Christmas joy to them.

We will see the movie Invictus, a captivating look behind the scenes when Nelson Mandela was the newly elected president of South Africa. Very inspiring - and a way of seeing life the way we see it almost every day in South Africa. It is a new nation now, no longer under the apartheid regime, but the living conditions and racial struggles are the same.

To give some biblical context to the subject of courage I want to share a few insights from the New Testament book of Acts. I am reading Acts again these days, slowly journeying along side Peter and John and the other apostles. I am inspired by their lives...I hope you will be as well. Below are a few truths about courage from Acts chapters 3 and 4.

Courage is the willingness to act on one’s convictions no matter the cost. It is the willingness to face danger, difficulty, uncertainty, even rejection, sometimes great pain, without being overcome by fear or being deflected from one’s course of action.

Boldness is acting in the face of rejection or misunderstanding (“with all boldness they will speak your word” = 4:29). Courage is an inner attitude of heart, and boldness is the action we take to put our courage into words or deeds.

Some characteristics of courage and boldness:

  1. Seek to obey truth no matter the cost

  2. Strive for change based on what is true or right

  3. Speak up about one’s convictions

  4. Spurn temptations to be compromised

  5. Stare danger in the eye

  6. Search for the fear of the Lord with all one’s might

  7. Single eye on the vision God has given you and invite others to follow

Why Christmas is So Special to Me

I love Christmas - the decorations, the tree, the gifts, the baking, the special meals, the surprises for people, the caroles - I love it all. It's truly my favorite time of the year. I even loved the cold weather......and the snow when we had it. In fact, that's one of the things I miss about the Christmas season now that I live in South Africa and Christmas is in summer. After several years, I still have a hard time wrapping my brain around that. I've just had too many years of winter Christmases. I have friends that don't really like Christmas all that much. I mean, sure they like it because we are celebrating Christ's birth, but they don't like all the other things that I so love. It got me thinking about why I love everything about the Christmas season.

I know it has its roots in my growing up years. Every year my dad and I would go shopping together for the Christmas tree. We always wanted to find the perfect one, and we came close! We had a beautiful fir tree every year. We'd come home and join with my mom (Memaw) and decorate it. Of course she always had special baked/cooked treats to eat while we did that. Then on another day, my dad and I would put up outside lights. We had a two story house, and we got ladders out so we could decorate both levels. It wasn't anything fancy, but those bright, colored lights were so beautiful to me because my dad and I had put them up. I treasure the memories of us doing these things together every Christmas.

Every year my Dad said he couldn't afford any gifts. And every year, just a few days before Christmas, he'd ask me to take him shopping. He had been tucking money away and would buy my mom and me and some other family members special gifts. Of course by the time he got around to doing his shopping things would be really picked over! I learned as I grew up to ask some shop keepers to hold things until I brought my Dad in! Seeing his true generous heart was such a treasure.

My Dad was a product of his generation - one that had a hard time showing emotion and expressing feelings. As a child I often wished he would do that more. I think Christmas is when I really saw my Dad's heart and came to know who he was inside. I treasured that!

Close to Christmas we usually had a family dinner when other members of my family that lived nearby would come over - my sister and her family, one of my brothers and his family......and sometimes others who lived further away would come in. I often joke and say my family talked a lot but didn't say much. We talked about everything, but rarely was it "heart" stuff. Except at Christmas......and then it seemed that people opened up more and shared their hearts. This was another treasure for me.

My mom never had a lot, but she shared everything she had - all the time, but especially at Christmas. She cooked and baked up a storm! She took platefuls of all her special treats (divinity candy, candied grapefruit rinds, Spanish kisses, and delicious pies to name a few) to just about everyone she knew. My friends loved to come to my house and sample it all! Even though I've tried, I still haven't mastered cooking some of her specialties. My family wasn't poor, but we didn't have a lot of extra either. My mother gave out of her gifts and talents because she had such a generous spirit. I treasure that memory so much.

As parents, we want to establish family traditions and make memories that our children can take with them all their lives. I have those special memories tucked away in my heart........and they help make Christmas so very special to me. I love it!

O come, O come Emmanuel...."God with us." Matt. 1:23

Foundations for Church & Mission

From the Book of Acts…

Holy Spirit Power– Acts 1:8, 5:12,16,32, 4:31

The church in the book of Acts depended on Holy Spirit’s power to witness, appoint leaders, experience breakthrough signs and wonders, discern and overcome the lies and attacks of the enemy, and to endure suffering. In Acts 9 and 10 we read of amazing Holy Spirit activity in the life of the church. Saul is confronted by a blinding light and meets Jesus on the road to Damascus. As a result Saul is converted and becomes Paul the apostle. A disciple named Ananias is spoken to by God in a vision, and is subsequently told where to find Paul to be able to baptize him. Later in chapter nine we read of the healing of Aeneas and the raising of the dead of a disciple named Dorcas. In chapter 10, God leads Peter to a Gentile named Cornelius through a vision and a supernatural visitation, and as a result the gospel spreads to non-Jews.

We believe in and long for such Holy Spirit power at work in our churches!

Acts 1:8 “What you’ll get is the Holy Spirit. And when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to be my witnesses...” The Message

Global Mandate – Acts 1:8b

The new disciples of Jesus were given a mandate to take the gospel to people groups near and far. They believed the uneducated, the poor, men and women, young and old, people of all cultures and tribes were all commissioned by Jesus to go and make disciples. And so we should pass on this good news to everyone we reach, rich or poor, black or white. All are called! Everyone can be part of what God is doing. God longs for His son Jesus to be worshipped among all nations. We believe what it says in Matthew 24:14: the gospel will be preached to all nations, and then the end will come.

Acts 1:8 “Tell people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth…” NLT

Church Based – Live and Function as Church – Acts 2:40-47, 4:32-35, 8:1, 9:31-32

Holy Spirit gave birth to the church on the day of Pentecost. From that moment, God’s primary way of working on the earth was through the church He birthed, and through local expressions of that church – as they are empowered by Holy Spirit. We believe that mission and church are one in God’s heart and that we should therefore integrate church and mission in how we do things. All Nations is called not only to plant and multiply churches, but to function as local church missional communities wherever we are. We believe we will multiply who we are and how we live our daily lives; if we function as missional church communities, we will reproduce missional church communities.

This truth equally applies to how we govern ourselves. We seek to base our “structure”, i.e., how we organize and govern ourselves, on the patterns and practices of the church we read about in the Gospels, the book of Acts, and Paul’s letters to the churches. This includes the leadership roles in our churches and our network of churches. We believe God has given the church five equipping gifts and spread them throughout the church to equip everyone for ministry. Those five equipping gifts are teachers, prophets, apostles, prophets and evangelists. We appreciate the need to manage and administrate our resources well, and to be accountable to donors and governments in the appropriate legal ways, but at the heart of who we are we believe the basis of our governance is functioning elderships. Legal boards have a vital role to play but should not lead the work of ministry but provide legal and financial accountability for the ministry we do.

We believe the persecution the early church experienced was against the church because it was the church – it was not against organizations, schools, social programs, etc. It was because the Holy Spirit was living and working through the New Covenant community God created. The early church became a force for change, and thus they experienced opposition and persecution. We believe if the nations of the earth are to experience New Testament type transformation, it will be because we build and multiply Spirit–empowered missional communities of Jesus followers that do signs and wonders and spread the good news of Jesus. Our vision is Jesus working through the church to change the world. That is what inspires us!

Acts 9:31 “Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied.”

Multi-Cultural Teams and Community – Acts 13:1-3, Acts 17:22-28

The gospel breaks down barriers and walls between people and makes it possible for local churches and church planting teams to become expressions of God’s love and forgiveness between races, generations and genders. As All Nations, we believe we are to demonstrate the love of Jesus for all nations, tribes and cultures. We seek to practice non-racialism, i.e., we recognize and appoint people to leadership responsibilities because of their maturity, abilities, and spiritual gifts, not their race or gender. We believe that God has revealed Himself uniquely in each race and culture and people. We believe God has planned every tribe and people and culture, and that no culture exists by accident. We look forward to the day when around the throne of God people we will worship Jesus in every language and culture! (Revelation 5:9-10)

Acts 17:22 “So Paul, standing before the Council, addressed them as follows: “Men of Athens, I notice that you are very religious, 23 for as I was walking along I saw your many altars. And one of them had this inscription on it—‘To an Unknown God.’ You have been worshiping him without knowing who he is, and now I wish to tell you about him. 24 He is the God who made the world and everything in it. Since he is Lord of heaven and earth, he doesn’t live in man-made temples, 25 and human hands can’t serve his needs—for he has no needs. He himself gives life and breath to everything, and he satisfies every need there is. 26 From one man he created all the nations throughout the whole earth. He decided beforehand which should rise and fall, and he determined their boundaries. 27 His purpose in all of this was that the nations should seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him—though he is not far from any one of us. 28 For in him we live and move and exist.” NLT

Cross-Cultural Empowerment – Acts10:44-48, 11:1,18, 13:46-48, 15:3-7, 18:6, 21:19

The church grew because there was acceptance of the reality that God created and revealed Himself uniquely to each culture. It took a revelation of the Holy Spirit to convince the early church leaders that God was equally committed to loving and redeeming “the Gentiles” as He was the Jews. In fact, He had to remind the Jews that He made the covenant with them in order to bless “all the nations of the earth”. As the gospel spread to non-Jewish cultures, and those cultures experienced redemption from cultural bondages, each people group was able to glorify God in their own heart-language and culture. We are committed to empowering each culture and race we plant churches among to experience God in their own language and culture. We believe it will take all the cultures, languages, tribes and peoples God has made to create a big enough picture of the vastness of God’s glory.

It follows, then, that churches grow and multiply most naturally and quickly along the lines of specific languages and cultures. Insiders in a culture are more effective than outsiders in redeeming, transforming and reaching their own people and culture if - and this is a big if – there are people who will cross cultural barriers and spread the gospel and plant churches in people groups other than their own. We see this as cross-cultural empowerment because people who build relational bridges between the cultures do so for the purpose of spreading the gospel and quickly raising-up local leaders within that culture. In some situations the process of empowering leaders within a culture may happen over a few months, and in others it may take longer, but in every situation we are intentional about starting church planting movements within tribes and cultures that are led by people from within that people group.

Acts 15:3 “So, being sent on their way by the church, they passed through Phoenicia and Samaria, describing the conversion of the Gentiles; and they caused great joy to all the brethren. 15:7 And when there had been much dispute, Peter rose up and said to them: “Men and brethren, you know that a good while ago God chose among us, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe.”

Abundant Gospel Sowing – Acts 13:5, 13:49, 14:7, 16:14, 17:3

The church in the book of Acts proclaimed the “gospel”. They believed the truth they proclaimed had the power of God to change lives, that it was God’s way to change lives and the only way to change lives. They were focused on people coming to faith in Jesus through the preaching of this truth. It was priority for them: the primary way for reaching out to other people no matter their gift, calling, vocation or ministry or business. It came naturally to them because their lives were changed by the gospel. It was a priority, the way they believed the poor and broken and people in bondage could be helped. They sowed the gospel with great courage:

Abundant – disciples in the churches written about in Acts told as many people as possible the good news about Jesus. Spreading the good news of Jesus and seeing people saved was their priority. All other ministries were platforms toward this end.

Gospel – This is the heart of the message proclaimed by Jesus’ disciples and by us as well: Jesus is God, He came in human flesh, He died and He was raised from the dead, and all those who have faith in Him and turn from their sins and ask for forgiveness will be saved. There are many false gospels. We endeavor to teach people the difference between the true gospel and false gospels. (Galatians 1:6, 2:4) Sowing – there are many ways to sow the gospel but they all include speaking or talking. There is no such thing as a silent witness.

Acts 17:3 “He was explaining and proving the prophecies about the sufferings of the Messiah and his rising from the dead. He said, “This Jesus I’m telling you about is the Messiah.” 4 Some who listened were persuaded and became converts, including a large number of godly Greek men and also many important women of the city.” NLT

Leaders Appoint Leaders Acts 14:21-23, 11:30

God empowers people with leadership gifts to serve His church (Ephesians 4:3-13). Servant leaders don’t have to wait to be appointed to lead because leading is exactly that: it is serving. Every true servant leader begins by serving then their leadership qualities and character become apparent and the person is recognized. God uses other leaders in the Body of Christ to affirm them and validate their leadership calling in the eyes of the people they lead. Leaders who serve in local churches are recognized for the their service, their maturity and the fruit of their endeavors, and then appointed by other leaders. The normal pattern in the New Testament was for proven leaders from outside the local church to recognize the gifts of leadership in others and publicly appoint them. Jesus did this with His apostles (Luke 6:12), as did Paul in the churches he planted (Acts 14:21-23). Because those who are gifted as apostles are the ones who most often pioneer new churches, it is the apostles who most often appointed local church leaders (by apostles we do not mean people who held an office called “apostleship” but those who functioned as pioneering church planters).

There is no example in the New Testament of local church elders being chosen by election. God worked primarily through the principle of using existing leaders to appoint other leaders. Though we in All Nations are passionate about organic-simple church planting movements and non-professional clergy because of our desire to see gospel spread rapidly among the unreached, we recognize that God uses servant-leaders in the church to equip and empower others for the “work of ministry” (Ephesians 4). We see this principle of leaders appointing leaders repeatedly in the New Testament. For example, Paul sent Titus to appoint leaders in the churches in Crete (Titus 1:5). At the Jerusalem council, it was apostles and elders who came together to judge the dispute between the churches. And it was a senior amongst equals, James the apostle, who led this very important gathering.

What qualifies leaders to appoint other leaders? It is on the basis of one’s spiritual gift, their relationship with the church or movement, their maturity and their experience in doing the work of ministry that qualifies leaders to recognize and appoint other leaders. Leaders tend to appoint leaders who carry the same spiritual “DNA”. This is important because it allows the vision and passion of a leader to be passed on by others (see Romans 15:15-21 – Paul did not want to “build on another man’s foundation”). It might seem contradictory for leaders to appoint leaders and at the same time advocate organic church planting movements, but we believe that this pattern of leaders appointing leaders is a recognition of the truth that God wants there be a DNA transfer from church to church by those who are evangelizing and pioneering among the churches. It also creates accountability between churches through proven men and women who exercise one of the leadership “equipping” gifts described by Paul in Ephesians 4. As apostles and teachers and prophets and evangelists move between church communities they are able to provide needed wisdom so the churches don’t become isolated or subject to false teaching. In other words, there is a need from outside a local church community for help in discerning who qualifies to serve as elders inside the local church community, especially in the beginning stages of the life of a new church.

Scripture passages that reinforce the Biblical truth of leaders appointing leaders:

  • The apostles chose another apostle – Acts 1:26

  • When there was a need for some admin help in the early church, the apostles oversaw the process of selection and appointment of these leaders – Acts 6:1-6

  • Jesus modeled the truth of leaders appointing leaders: He chose apostles from among his disciples to be leaders among them – Luke 6:12

  • The elders oversaw the distribution of goods to the poor among them – Acts 11:30

  • When their was a dispute, it was the apostles and elders as representatives of the people that judged the matter, and an apostle among them, James, who chaired the gathering – Acts 15:4, 16:4

  • At the end of his life, Paul called for the elders of a church to come together – Acts 20:17ff

  • When there were problems in the church in Crete, Paul sent Titus to set things in order and to appoint elders – Titus 1:5

Obedience Based Discipleship – Acts 5:32, 5:29

A disciple is one who “hears the word of God and does it…”(Luke 8:21). Jesus spelled out this requirement for his disciples very clearly. He reminded them of the cost of following him. He turned many away because they would not obey Him. Following the example of Jesus, we are called to make disciples who love and obey Jesus. Jesus not only loved His disciples with compassion and mercy, He also loved them with truth and correction. He taught them to obey Him. He gave them commands to obey to be clear about what He expected from them. The early church carried on the teaching of Jesus about the cost of being one of His disciples, and if we are true to Jesus, we will do the same.

Our “core practices” for making fully devoted disciples:

  • Entreat God through prayer - pray

  • Engage the hearts of people who don’t know Jesus - meet

  • Equip through one-to-one discipleship - make

  • Encounter God by gathering in house churches and celebrations - gather

  • Expand through multiplying this same pattern all over again - multiply

Acts 5:32 “We are witnesses of these things and so is the Holy Spirit, who is given by God to those who obey him.”

Cell and Celebration – Acts 2:40-47, 20:20, 6:2, 6:5, 15:12, 15:30

There is a pattern in both the Old and New Testaments of God inspiring and instructing His people as they gather in large celebrations (called feasts in the Old Testament), and building community as they gather in small, more intimate home based gatherings. We believe this pattern is healthy for both small communities of Christ followers, and large congregations. Celebrations provide opportunity for accepting the leadership of those God has appointed in their midst, recognizing the multi-cultural nature of the church, inspiring faith to believe God for great things, spiritual momentum to keep growing, and a larger sense of spiritual family. Celebrations tie movements of simple churches together and give them greater cohesion for the vision God has for them. Leaders have opportunity to instruct people when they are gathering together in large celebrations in the truths of the gospel in a way that does not happen in small house churches. And large celebrations build hope in people’s hearts as they see many others who believe the same as they do.

Acts 2:42 “They joined with the other believers and devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, sharing in the Lord’s Supper and in prayer. 43  A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. 44 And all the believers met together constantly and shared everything they had. 45 They sold their possessions and shared the proceeds with those in need. 46 They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity— 47 all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their group those who were being saved.”

Church Planting Movements – Rapid Multiplication of Disciples – Acts 17:1-4, 1 Thes 1:7-8, Acts 28:20, 6:7

We endeavor to ignite movements of church planting churches, not just one church at a time. The new church in Thessalonica exploded in growth and multiplied rapidly throughout the region around them. The believers that were in Rome grew to 140 house churches by the early part of the 2nd century. This rapid, spontaneous disciple making growth of the church is called a church planting movement. We seek to adjust our practices and patterns of church so that we help ignite explosive church planting movements. We dream of Jesus being worshipped and whole communities and nations being transformed as a result.

Acts 9:31 “Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied.”

Acts 6:7 “Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests were obedient to the faith.”

Simplicity of Life - Serving the Poor – Acts 6:1, 2:44-45, 4:32-37

When one reads of the church in the book of Acts, there is a beauty that emerges because of it’s simplicity of lifestyle. Believers spontaneously shared their goods with one another “as there was need”. The people often sold their property and belongings and subsequently trusted their leaders to distribute the proceeds as they saw fit. There was no lack by anyone because there was no lack of love by everyone. One person who stands out as an example of simplicity of faith and generosity of spirit is Barnabas. Here is how Luke describes Barnabas as an example of this way of living:

Acts 4:34-37 “There was no poverty among them, because people who owned land or houses sold them 35 and brought the money to the apostles to give to others in need. 36 For instance, there was Joseph, the one the apostles nicknamed Barnabas (which means “Son of Encouragement”). He was from the tribe of Levi and came from the island of Cyprus. 37 He sold a field he owned and brought the money to the apostles for those in need.”

Sacrifice and Suffering for the Gospel – Acts 7:54-60; 8:1-3; 9:1-2; 5:17 & 40; 4:21; 14:1-7,19-20; 16:16-24, 37; 17:1-9; 19:21-41

It was normal for the early church leaders to suffer for their faith. Sacrifice was common. Sacrifice and suffering in the book of Acts took place because of gospel activity. The early apostles preached the gospel aggressively. They spoke about the resurrection and their belief in Jesus the messiah. They did not practice the principle, “Preach the gospel and if necessary, use words.” They knew one could not preach the gospel without using words.

More impressive than the fact that the early church leaders suffered for spreading the gospel, was how they responded when they suffered. On one occasion, when they were released from prison then refused to leave town quietly! (Acts 16:35). They were beaten for their faith, when released they joined a prayer meeting asking for more boldness!! (Acts 4:23-31). They strengthened new converts, encouraging them to continue in the faith by reminding them that it is “through many tribulations we enter the kingdom of God…” (Acts 21-22).

The early apostles were part of a movement where suffering was considered a privilege (Philippians 1:21 & 29). May God grant us the same boldness and courage in All Nations.

The Disciple Making Process

How to Start and Multiply Simple Churches - T4T = Training for Trainers

Below are a few foundational discipleship practices that when followed will produce a simple five-step process for making disciples (and stating simple churches). Each step in the process has a priority that overflows into practical application, which together serves as a discipleship track for bringing new disciples to faith and helping them make more disciples. We call this overall process of training people to be disciple makers, “T4T”, or Training for Trainers. 2 Timothy 2:2 says we are to “train faithful people who will train others also”. We call this process “pray, meet, make, gather, multiply”. Or to give it a more poetic spin, Entreat, Engage, Equip, Encounter, Expand


PRAY to the Lord of the Harvest

Defined:  Entreat the Lord of the Harvest through prayer alone, in your team, and with the church

  • To do prayer walking on site to gain insight

  • To hear directions from the Lord in prayer

  • To receive revelation from God about specific people

  • To keep our hearts strong when we feel weak

  • To gain courage and boldness when we feel fearful

  • To receive God’s love for people who don’t know Jesus by asking for it

  • Pray “The Prayer of Three” for three people who don’t know Jesus – every day!

Principle: Prayer keeps us in touch with God’s heart, God’s power and God’s plans

Prayer is conversing with God, and when we spend time in God’s presence and receive God’s power, we are equipped to win the lost. Prayer is partnering with God to change people’s lives.

“One day Jesus told his disciples a story to illustrate their need for constant prayer and to show them that they must never give up. 2 “There was a judge in a certain city,” he said, “who was a godless man with great contempt for everyone. 3 A widow of that city came to him repeatedly, appealing for justice against someone who had harmed her. 4 The judge ignored her for a while, but eventually she wore him out. ‘I fear neither God nor man,’ he said to himself, 5 ‘but this woman is driving me crazy. I’m going to see that she gets justice, because she is wearing me out with her constant requests!’” 6 Then the Lord said, “Learn a lesson from this evil judge. 7 Even he rendered a just decision in the end, so don’t you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who plead with him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? 8 I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly! But when I, the Son of Man, return, how many will I find who have faith?” Luke 18:1-8 NLT

Priority: Entreat the Father and the Lord of the Harvest, the Holy Spirit, to give you a passion to reach people with the good news of Jesus.

Make a list of 30-50 friends, relatives, co-workers, fellow students, etc., and then from that list, ask the Lord to show you three people you should focus your prayers on. Ask god daily for them to be saved. Ask for opportunities for you to share your story, and then the God Story. Make an appointment to spend time with them hearing their story, then follow up and share your story. If they are spiritually hungry, start meeting with them regularly to read a few verses from the Gospels and discuss them together. Begin a D-Group (see post dated November 15, 2009). It’s simple and doable!.

Practice: BE-Committed to prayer!

Use a prayer room/chapel if there is one available, get up an hour early to pray, fast one meal or one day a week, go for prayer walks where you live and where you want to reach people, and join in prayer with a few others who will agree together to see a breakthrough. There is no significant movement of people coming to Christ that is not been preceded by at least 1-2 hours a day in concentrated prayer.



Defined: Engage people through sharing your story and sharing the gospel

  • To connect with people who don’t know Jesus

  • To involve someone in an activity or to become involved or take part in an activity that results in people becoming disciples of Jesus

  • To engage in conversation, to hold someone’s attention or to win the trust of somebody

  • To find the person of peace who will open more doors to the gospel

Principle: The 99 & the 1

God places a high value on lost people. He taught us not to spend all our time and energy with the 99, but to go after the lost one.

Now the tax collectors and “sinners” were all gathering around to hear him. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. - Luke 15:1-7

Priority: Engage your culture and community; meet people who are not Christ-followers and spend time building friendships with them. Respond to those who are open and want to learn more. Because people are valuable to God, we must intentionally and strategically engage our culture and community. Focus on those you know who are not following Jesus. Pray for them. Build relationship with them. Hear their story. Share your story of how you came to faith in Jesus.

Practice: BE-Connected with people

BE-Connected to the world to connect them to God, in sincere friendship through

  • Join sports clubs, serve your community, get to know neighbors, hang out with friends

  • Make 3 appointments: to hear a friends life story, to share your faith story, and to start a seekers Bible study for those who are open


EQUIP PEOPLE one-to-one and in small, seekers bibles studies (called D-groups)

Defined: To equip is to disciple a person through friendship, one-to-one appointments and seekers Bible studies, or “D-Groups”

  • To equip is to start or set up one-to-one meetings or a D-Group with the intention of helping a person become a fully devoted follower of Jesus, a disciple

  • To equip is to train the new disciple to disciple others also. This is the heart of the T-4-T process, training people from the beginning to be obedient disciple makers who know how to share their story of coming to Christ, how to share the gospel, and how to disciple someone who comes to faith in Christ

Principle: Foundations First

As we help a person progress toward obedience and being a disciple maker themselves, we must help them establish strong spiritual foundations in their lives including changing one’s world view, sinful habits of behavior, and wrong values That happens through helping people learn to obey truth as revealed in the Bible.

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” - Matthew 7:24-27

Priority: Establish Spiritual Foundations

Because foundations are essential for spiritual growth, we must help our disciples establish solid biblical foundations at the start of their spiritual journey. Those foundations include reviewing and discussing the five truths found in the God Story:

  1. Creation – the character and nature of God as loving, holy creator

  2. Rebellion – the nature of sin and spiritual warfare, beginning with Satan’s rebellion in heaven and continuing with Adam and Eve’s rebellion in the garden

  3. Sacrifice – what God has done to forgive our rebellion and sin, starting with “pictures” of sacrifice in the Old Testament, leading to Jesus sacrifice on the cross, and faith in his sacrifice for us

  4. Return – the importance of repentance and living a lifestyle of obedience based on God’s love and grace

  5. Commission – the wonderful truth that we are all commission to go and tell others about Jesus and to make disciples, including how to do that practically

Following up to these five foundation lessons, we suggest using the booklet One-2-One with the eight lessons on salvation, repentance, forgiveness, prayer, church, spiritual warfare, and so on. This is an excellent little booklet the size of an index card and can be easily carried in a shirt pocket, purse, pants pocket, etc., and referred to at any time.

Practice: BE-Open to learn and grow and share with others in a D-Group

BE-Open is all about becoming all God wants you to BE. To BE-Open is to be dependent

on each person having the right foundations laid in their lives.


TO EMPOWER is to encourage New believers to grow spiritually with others in COMMUNITY. this happens THROUGH EXPERIENCING SIMPLE CHURCH AND IN worshipping God in BIG GROUP CELEBRATIONS WITH OTHER BELIEVERS

Defined:   “Empower” through enjoying community and experiencing the presence and love of God in His people, the church

  • To “empower” a new believer is to provide a person with what is needed to grow as a member of God’s family, the church

  • The goal of empowering people is so they can function as a believer-priest in community with others who love Jesus. It is to help a person learn what simple church is and how to actively grow with other followers of Jesus in community through transparency, praying for others, serving others, and discovering their unique spiritual gifts and calling.

Principle: The Myth of Maturity – Why We Need Each Other

Spiritual progress, not perfection, qualifies a person to minister to others. Every believer is called to be a minister and that means being part of a spiritual family, a local church community. We empower people by teaching them that every believer is a minister, that all have a role to play, and breaking free of dependence on hierarchical forms of church leadership. We empower by encouraging respect for spiritual leaders but also by helping people take responsibility for their own spiritual growth.

It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. - Ephesians 4:11-13

Priority: Empower All Believers to Minister and to Be Ministered To

Because every member is called to be a minister, we must equip all believers with basic ministry skills. God’s Word is the ultimate equipping tool. Hearing God speak through the Word is crucial for growth. Modeling how to give and receive from one another is foundational for growing healthy, self-governing, self-reproducing church communities.

Practice: BE-Empowered! – By Practicing the “One Another’s” of the New Testament

BE-Empowered happens when believers can pray out loud, confess their sins and faults to one another, bear one another’s burdens, and encourage one another.


To expand AND MULTIPLY SIMPLE CHURCHES, WE FOLLOW THE”MAWL” COACHING MODEL. MAWL STANDS FOR: Model, assist, watch, then leave - “ Mawl”. churches can multiply and expand through local leaders taking the lead. this is the heart of T4T – to train every person who is willing to train others. 2 timothy 2:2

Defined: “Expand” through multiplying leaders who train leaders who train leaders

  • To give people the skills and know-how and to help them gain confidence that they can be a disciple making leader who trains others to be disciple making leaders

  • To give somebody a greater sense of confidence or self-esteem by providing coaching, mentoring and training as needed.

Principle: The Miracle of Multiplication

Every disciple should make disciples, and every disciple can lead simple churches that multiply by making more disciples

“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” - 2 Timothy 2:2

Priority: Equip and Empower all Disciples to Make Disciples

Because Jesus expects all disciples to make disciples, we must not only equip them, but also empower them to make disciples.

Practice: BE-Expanders of the Kingdom! - “where disciples are multiplied”

Lifestyle of fruitfulness gives disciples the opportunity to receive continued training and mentoring on being and making disciples.

5Es Principle Summary

Entreat: Prayer Changes Things - Luke 18:1-8 - Entreat the Father to Prepare Peoples Hearts for the Seed of the Gospel BE-Committed

Engage: 99 & 1 - Luke 15:1-7, 10:1-10 - Engage the Culture and Community – Look for the Person of  Peace BE-Connected

Equip: Foundations First - Matthew 7:24-27 - Equip Believers With Right Foundations BE-Equipped

Empower: The Myth of Maturity - Ephesians 4:11-13 - Empower All Believers to Minister and to Be Ministered To BE-Empowered

Expand: The Miracle of Multiplication - 2 Timothy 2:2 - Empower All Disciples to Make Disciples BE-Expanded

How to Discern False Prophets, False Teachers and False Doctrine

There are some people who claim to be teaching the truth but are in fact, false teachers and false prophets. There is a difference between what is true and what is false. Paul the apostle wrote to the Galatians and warned them about false doctrine. He said even if an angel from heaven taught something different than the gospel Paul gave them that angel was not to be believed:

“Let God’s curse fall on anyone, including myself, who preaches any other message than the one we told you about. Even if an angel comes from heaven and preaches any other message, let him be forever cursed.” Galatians 1:8

Paul rebuked the Galatians for turning away from the truth and believing a false gospel:

“I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel…” Galatians 1:6

What do we learn from these two verses? We learn there are false teachers and false doctrines and we need to be on our guard against them. Satan uses false teachers and false prophets and false apostles to lead people away from the truth. Satan uses lies, temptations and deception. The weapon we have to fight the spiritual battle against deception is the Word of God, the Bible.

We can usually tell false teachers because they believe they have something they believe makes them “special” or better than other Christians. Be on guard for people who have something that they think makes them better than others!!!

For example:

  1. A “better” teaching – a doctrine that is better or different than what followers of Christ believe

  2. A “better” book – a book or translation that is better than the Bible itself

  3. A “better” leader – their leader is a holy man and they worship him or treat him different than other Christians

  4. A “better” experience – like a dream, or they have a revelation, or something happens to them that makes them more holy or more spiritual than other Christians

False teachers usually teach false doctrines in these six categories:

  1. False teaching about God’s nature and character. God is good, just, true, infinite, eternal, the creator and all knowing, all powerful and all wise. Any doctrine or teaching that denies God’s greatness, His goodness, or the truth that He is the creator (and not part of the creation) is false teaching. We are told to worship God and no one else and nothing else. It is false teaching/false religion to worship angels, people, ancestors, or spirits.

  2. False teaching about Jesus’ deity, death, resurrection and second coming. Jesus was born of a virgin, was fully God and fully man, died on the cross for our sins, was raised from the dead on the third day, and is coming again. Any teaching that denies that Jesus is God in human flesh is false teaching, that he has already come in some other human form, or that is not returning again is false teaching.

  3. False teaching about Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus death on the cross. Jesus died on the cross for our sins – there is no other way to be saved than to believe on the Lord Jesus with our hearts and to confess Him with our mouths as God and saviour. We cannot earn our salvation through doing things to make God forgive us. Salvation is God’s gift to us. God’s part was to send Jesus to die for us to take the punishment for our sins, and our part is to believe and receive. We can never do anything to guarantee or earn our salvation by our good works. Any teaching that denies Jesus died on the cross is false teaching. Any doctrine that substitutes “works” for grace and faith is false teaching. The evidence of our faith in God’s grace to us is repentance from sin.

  4. False teaching about sin as rebellion against God and His law. There are people who teach that we can sin freely since God gives us grace and freely forgives us. Other false teachers tell us there is no such thing as sin. Any compromise of God’s standards of righteousness and what requires of spiritual leaders to live above reproach is false teaching. Any teaching that takes away the seriousness of sin is a form of rebellion against God.

  5. False teaching about the Bible, that it is not divinely inspired truth and the final authority for life and doctrine. False cults and deceived teachers and churches teach there are other books that are better than the Bible, or that the Bible has errors and their Bible/holy book is the only one to be trusted. Such groups as the Mormons, Jehovah’s witnesses, and other groups try to substitute their version of the Bible for the Bible itself.

  6. False teaching about prophets, apostles and leaders in the church. Such teaching gives leaders too much power and authority. It makes them exceptions to what the Bible teaches about sin, repentance, and accountability to others. Usually these leaders live lives of extreme wealth, and do not have others around them who can say “no” to them, which means they have absolute power to do what they say God is telling them to do. They are not accountable to others.

Below are Bible verses from the New Testament that warn us and help us understand who are false teachers and what is false doctrine. Sometimes false teachers are also called “false prophets”. A false teacher taught false doctrine, while a false prophet claimed to know the future or make prophecies about the future. Remember, even if they sound good, or look good, even they look like an angel, from heaven or do miracles, they can be led by demons and used by Satan himself. All verses below are from the New Living Translation (NLT).

  • Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep, but are really wolves that will tear you apart.

  • Matthew 7:21 - 23  “Not all people who sound religious are really godly. They may refer to me as ‘Lord,’ but they still won’t enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The decisive issue is whether they obey my Father in heaven. 22 On judgment day many will tell me, ‘Lord, Lord, we prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ 23 But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Go away; the things you did were unauthorized.’

  • Matthew 24:11 And many false prophets will appear and will lead many people astray.

  • Matthew 24:24 For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great miraculous signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones.

  • Romans 16:17  And now I make one more appeal, my dear brothers and sisters. Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people’s faith by teaching things that are contrary to what you have been taught. Stay away from them.

  • Acts 13:6 Afterward they preached from town to town across the entire island until finally they reached Paphos, where they met a Jewish sorcerer, a false prophet named Bar-jesus.

  • 2Corinthians 11:13 - 15 These people are false apostles. They have fooled you by disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 But I am not surprised! Even Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light. 15 So it is no wonder Satan’s servants can also do it by pretending to be godly ministers. In the end they will get every bit of punishment their wicked deeds deserve.

  • 2Corinthians 11:26 I have traveled many weary miles. I have faced danger from flooded rivers and from robbers. I have faced danger from my own people, the Jews, as well as from the Gentiles. I have faced danger in the cities, in the deserts, and on the stormy seas. And I have faced danger from men who claim to be Christians but are not.

  • Ephesians 4:14 Then we will no longer be like children, forever changing our minds about what we believe because someone has told us something different or because someone has cleverly lied to us and made the lie sound like the truth.

  • Galatians 2:4 Even that question wouldn’t have come up except for some so-called Christians there—false ones, really—who came to spy on us and see our freedom in Christ Jesus. They wanted to force us, like slaves, to follow their Jewish regulations.

  • Colossians 2:18 Don’t let anyone condemn you by insisting on self-denial. And don’t let anyone say you must worship angels, even though they say they have had visions about this. These people claim to be so humble, but their sinful minds have made them proud.

  • 1Timothy 1:3 When I left for Macedonia, I urged you to stay there in Ephesus and stop those who are teaching wrong doctrine.

  • 2Peter 2:1 But there were also false prophets in Israel, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will cleverly teach their destructive heresies about God and even turn against their Master who bought them. Theirs will be a swift and terrible end.

  • 1John 4:1 Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world.

Don't Fear Failure

"I hope you fail!" Who would say something like that?? Failure is a word that most of us would like to remove from our vocabulary. None of us like it, and we certainly don't want to experience it. But we'll all face it sometime. The important thing is to be ready to turn to God in the midst of it. He is a faithful teacher in every situation.

I heard of a high school commencement speaker who said something very unusual in his address. He was chosen to speak because of his success as the president of a large business. As he stood before the students, he told them that he had one desire for them. As they go out into the world, he hoped they would fail at something that was important to them. He told how his early years had been one failure after another, until he finally learned to see failure as a very effective teacher in his life.

We see this in the Bible. Many songs from Israel had their birth in times of failure. "As the deer longs for flowing streams, so longs my soul for you, O God." Ps. 42:1-2

David often cried out to God in the midst of hard times and failure. "Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear to my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears!" Ps. 39:12

We often aren't ready to turn to God, to seek His wisdom, and receive His strength until we come to the end of ourselves. There are many examples in the Bible that tell of mountains of faith rising from valleys of failure. Before we get to the successes we strive for, we may need to first see the failure of precious dreams we hold in our hearts. We may need to learn to trust God's love, wisdom, and guidance when it takes us down paths we hadn't planned. We may fall flat on our faces a few times. We may struggle. We will certainly be humbled. We must learn from our failures, or we will fail to learn.

We must persevere through the difficult times in our life, through the failures. We can grit our teeth and just barely make it through, or we can learn and grow. God promises to go with us through difficult times. We can go through the fire and not be burned - by His grace! We don't need to fear. We must choose to not give up, but to look to Him. Sometimes we have to pick up the pieces and begin again. The failures and difficulties we struggle with can sometimes be the back door to a great success or victory that God has for us.

As I look back through my life, I see "seasons" of trial, difficulty, and, yes, failure. It's interesting that some of my greatest seasons of growth coincide with those same seasons. The pain, the stretching, the wrestling for answers and provision, the tears, and the questions (all things I don't really like) brought fruit and release into my life. They all brought me closer to Him. We say God is in control. In the face of difficulty and failure we need to stand firm on the truth of that even more!

"Why are you cast down, O my soul?....Hope in God; for I shall again praise Him." Ps. 42:5 

Don't Pass the Torch - Start With it in Their Hands!

Keys to starting a church planting movement

Coaches and leaders in church planting movements agree that there is no ‘passing of the torch’ as much as it is starting ‘with the torch in their hand’. One of our team leaders has been bending over double to make sure, in his words, “I don’t ‘pastor’, but plant, coach and mentor well. My big hope is that this current church plant could lead to some big things because I’m not aiming to pass the torch, but to begin with the torch in their hands…”

He says that prayer was the absolute key to seeing breakthroughs in Red Hill and that is what he continues to do with his team more than anything: pray for breakthroughs!

Through a short term team from Scotland and their efforts, they found the man of peace in the upper camp in Red Hill. His name is Freddie. Freddie is the man the team has been praying for. “! I asked God for a ton of wisdom in raising up Freddie and I believe he is giving it,” says Gawie, the team leader.

In a nutshell: Freddie’s a true man of peace as he himself gathered a group of almost ten people. This is a big key. It doesn’t help if we as outsiders gather the people – ‘a true man of peace is one who opens the door of faith to others in the community.’ Freddie did exactly that! Our team merely worked with Freddie.

Freddie will be leading the D-Group ABC process from next week. We have modeled, assisted and now it is time for Freddie to take the lead. So this is crunch time where I’ve modelled twice now and made it clear to the group and to Freddie that they will be continuing to facilitate the D-Group themselves. They’ve wholeheartedly agreed!

I also see great potential in the young men attending! They are for the most part pre-believers which makes it even more exciting! The hunger in their eyes shows me God is at work! Big time! My heart is crying out to God for a big discipleship movement!

I get emotional about this. My heart longs to see Him receive more worship. Hearts that love him… Lost people saved… Oh how I long to see Jesus save the people in Red Hill. Daily when I walk there I see lostness. I can’t stand it anymore. I long to see a harvest of people meet Him as the Savior. My heart yearns for souls and for the Lamb to be glorified.

God at Work at Work!


I just received the following note from one of our All Nations leaders, Werner Els, living in Pretoria, South Africa. It is incredibly encouraging report about God at Work at Work! I believe God longs for His church to break out of the "church" happens on Sunday paradigm, to see what He will do when we invite Him to work through us at work.

I have been discipling Werner off and on for several years, and have encouraged him to be courageous and creative about igniting a church at his work place.

This is the result!


"When I started working at Aerosud I was full of plans to share the gospel with people without them knowing I am sharing it with them (you get weird and not so wonderful things when you combine passion and fear of man!). MY plans started off well until one day (in 2007) I sensed strongly that God wanted to show me something in Aerosud. Since then I got to understand that MY plans do NOT = His plans for me/Aerosud and that Jesus came to give us life in abundance...

As I surrendered MY plans to the Lord I gradually lost my passion for my work since that DRIVE wasn’t there anymore. It was like Samson without his hair… But God did something; He returned my focus on Him and stirred my passion and love for Him. During all of this I felt I had to be faithful with the few things I knew the Lord had called me for in Aerosud, one of them being Broeikas. Now Broeikas is a place where people meet during lunch times... God wanted Broeikas to BE an incubator for meeting people's spiritual needs... We want to see fruit! We want to see God’s kingdom being manifested through the lives of every person working here...

One afternoon in October 2009 I received a call from one our senior level managers saying that he wants to talk to me. Walking into his office I saw that something was different with this man. He shared with me that he went through a tough time in his life and that he was down and out. The one day whilst walking in the corridor he passed one of our prayer warriors and he asked him “how are you”? Peter replied “I am exceptional”. This struck Johan and he said to Peter that his life is falling apart. Peter took him to his office WHERE HE COMMITTED HIS LIFE TO CHRIST AND SURRENDERED ALL HIS BURDENS!!! Praise be to God!! Jippiee! He is the 1st convert on company turf that we know about ;-) and has already made a huge impact in his department.
I asked Johan how I can support him in his journey and he asked for prayer. So I told him that we gather twice a week to pray for the company and the needs of people and that he will get prayer there. Afterwards he shared this with Jacques in his department and a lady overheard them and then the ball started rolling. Elizca was upset and phoned me telling me that more people needs to know about what God is doing when we meet at Broeikas and that we must reach out to people. So she sent out e-mails to the whole company inviting people... Needless to say a lot of people came and the ball started growing in size (10 people out of one manager's department come regularly)…

After Goitse, a passionate follower of Jesus, shared from his heart a few teachings on love, one of the new guys felt that we should share the love of the Lord and lead people to repentance. So we organised a ‘God week’ / mission week and even the CEO gave his blessing for this. This started on Monday 23rd of November and will continue until Friday the 28th.

We have already prayed a lot for the impact of this initiative and even started prayer walking around the peripheral of the company. I believe there is power in prayer because God hears our pleas and answers them. I want to ask you to please intercede for the people in Aerosud. We have one opportunity and want to make the best of it!..."

What's the Difference Between Godly Initiative and Fleshly Ambition?

Peter the Apostle – Acts 1:15

Peter was by definition a leader who did not wait for someone else to lead. In Acts 1:15, there is an example of Peter taking initiative to find a replacement for Judas. Some would say that the man who replaced Judas, Matthias, was never heard of again, therefore it was wrong of Peter to take the lead the way he did. But that is an argument from silence. There is no basis of confirming that view in Scripture. What we do know from Scripture is that people who wait for others are not leaders, but followers. Peter demonstrated initiative. He was a leader. Initiative like what Peter had requires faith, foresight, risk, boldness, courage and the willingness to experience rejection.

Peter showed initiative when he stepped out of the boat and walked on water to Jesus. While others waited, Peter acted, and he experienced God. During his lifetime, he healed a lame men, brought the gospel to the Gentiles, and preached to multitudes. Why? Because Peter took initiative in making decisions. Initiative is the earmark of a true leader.

John Maxwell comments in The Maxwell Leadership Bible that it is easier to run from a challenge than to step out and take a risk (page 1085). Peter was the man who stepped out of the boat and walked on water. It’s true that he made big mistakes and sometimes acted or spoke before he thought things through, but at least he acted while others watched and waited. Jesus encouraged such initiative in Peter by affirming his faith: “Upon this rock”, Jesus said, “I will build my church”.

There is a huge difference between fleshly ambition and godly initiative. Fleshly ambition is based on an inner motivation to prove ourselves, to gain acceptance or approval, to avoid rejection and to maintain control. Fleshly ambition can be based on a performance mentality of "doing the right thing". However, one can be busy without being spiritual. Fleshly ambition may start off as godly initiative, but if one does not stay close to Jesus, what “begins in the Spirit can end in the flesh” (Galatians 3:3). Fleshly ambition can come from believing we have to make something happen, that we are responsible for getting things done or that we are responsible for taking care of people. Fleshly ambition is not always about trying to be famous; it’s more often about an unreasonable need to be responsible.

Godly initiative, on the other hand, is the fruit of responding to revelation from God about what He wants us to do, and then doing it in faith. Godly initiative is done in faith that God will move on the hearts of people to do their part. Godly initiative is born in faith as an act of obedience to God, and then trusting God in others. True enough, there are times when our motive is honorable but our behavior is in the flesh… our motives are right, but we try too hard to “get it right”. At it’s root, Godly initiative is motivated by trust: trust in God, trust in the holy Spirit to do what only He can do, and trust in others to listen and obey God. Fleshly ambition occurs when we try too hard: we end up micro-managing people and circumstances to make sure things are done right. Even though our hearts can be right right, our actions will be wrong not if we don’t act in faith.

Lack of initiative, or passivity, is a result of a low sense of security, a paralyzed will, believing lies about ourselves and God, poor self-esteem, and low self-confidence. Low self-confidence is more often low Holy Spirit-confidence.

When Peter got out of the boat and walked to Jesus on water (Matthew 14:29), he was taking initiative. When he did that, Peter showed these qualities of initiative:

  1. He knew what he wanted – to walk to Jesus

  2. He stirred himself to act – and before he could talk himself out of it, he did it

  3. He took risks – and he was willing to fail in front of others

  4. He made more mistakes by taking initiative – but he showed more faith and boldness

  5. He went with his gut instinct – and learned discernment on the journey

To be passive is safe but being safe is not always to be wise or Godly. SAFE theology can mean:

  • S – Self-protection

  • A – Avoidance of danger

  • F – Financial security

  • E – Escape from difficult circumstances

If God is stirring your heart, step out of the boat like Peter! Take some risks and learn as you do so. There is no failure with God if your desire is to please God, only learning and growing in God.

Casting a Compelling Vision

In Acts 1:1-8, we find Jesus’ disciples thinking in terms of what is best for their country; they totally misunderstand the nature of the Kingdom of God and what Jesus is about to do through them to advance His kingdom. They asked Jesus, “When will you restore the kingdom to Israel”? They are in a defensive mindset, thinking about how to protect Israel from Roman rule. Jesus wanted them to be in a offensive mindset, not to fight political battles but to battle for the broken hearted and bring the good news to the poor. To stir their hearts with faith and inspire them for with a bigger dream for their lives, Jesus paints a compelling vision of the future. The vision Jesus casts to them is an obedience based vision – what God will do if they as men and women obey Him.

Leaders in God’s kingdom are used by God to cast compelling vision. God uses servant leaders to stir people’s hearts to believe for great things to happen, to help them align their thinking and living with what God wants to do in their lives. A Spirit empowered vision can turn people away from selfish and petty dreams for their lives, to the greater dream God has for their lives. A vision inspired by revelation from God does just that in people’s hearts if it is delivered with skill and with the right attitude.

Spirit empowered vision:

  • Jesus spoke with conviction – “he commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem…” 1:4

  • Spirit empowered vision is received as a revelation from God – “you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit” 1:5

  • Spirit empowered vision carries with it a sense of urgency – “”not many days from now” 1:6

  • God always allows His people to question and assess- “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom?” 1:6

  • Spirit empowered vision caries with it a sense of priority – “It is not for you… but you shall receive power…” 1:8

  • It defines the scope of activity – “Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the end of the earth…” 1:8

  • It is fulfilled through obedience – “Don’t depart…wait…” 1:4-6

  • It aims to advance God’s kingdom and serve people – “you shall be witnesses to me…in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth…” 1:8

  • Vision provides a compelling picture of the future – “you shall receive power… you shall be witnesses…in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the end of the earth…” 1:8

Flesh based vision:

  • Spoken with human enthusiasm, not Godly conviction

  • It comes from the creative and competitive mind of man, not a true revelation from God

  • There is a sense of demand or manipulation, not Spirit empowered urgency

  • Fulfilled by staying ahead of others not advancing God’s kingdom

  • Aims to generate money and grow an organization, not bring people to faith and serve the poor

  • There are no healthy boundaries and freedoms to live in peace

  • It will be changed easily for something "better" or new

Leadership Selection in the New Testament

Acts 1:15-26

There are several truths in the New Testament regarding leadership appointment:

  1. Church leadership was never determined by democracy. Leaders were chosen by other leaders and approved by the communities they were part of, but never voted on.

  2. Local church communities were sometimes invited to be part of the process of choosing leaders, but leaders oversaw the process.

  3. Leaders were given time to emerge organically before they were appointed.

  4. Leaders are anointed by God and appointed by people.

The normal pattern in the New Testament was for proven leaders from outside a local church community to recognize the gifts of leadership in others and publicly appoint them. Jesus did this with His apostles (Luke 6:12), as did Paul in the churches he planted (Acts 14:21-23). Because those who are gifted as apostles are the ones who most often pioneer new churches, it is the apostles who most often appointed local church leaders (by apostles we do not mean people who held an office called “apostleship” but those who functioned as pioneering church planters).

There is no example in the New Testament of local church elders or trans-local apostles, prophets or evangelists being chosen by election. God worked primarily through the principle of existing leaders appointing other leaders. For example, Paul sent Titus to appoint leaders in the churches in Crete (Titus 1:5). At the Jerusalem council (Acts 15), it was the apostles and elders who came together to judge the dispute between the churches. And it was a senior amongst them, James the apostle, who led this very important gathering.

What qualifies leaders to appoint other leaders? It is a person’s spiritual gift, their trust relationship with the church or movement, their maturity, and their experience in doing the work of ministry that qualified them to recognize and appoint other leaders.

Leaders tend to appoint leaders who carry the same spiritual “DNA”, i.e., the same values. This is important because it allows the vision and passion of a leader to be imparted to others (see Romans 15:15-21 – Paul did not want to “build on another man’s foundation”). It might seem contradictory to believe that it is the New Testament pattern for leaders to appoint leaders and at the same time advocate organic church planting movements, but I believe that this pattern of leaders appointing leaders is a recognition of the truth that God wants there be a DNA transfer from church to church by those who are evangelizing and pioneering among the churches. The type of leadership we are speaking of is not positional or hierarchical leadership, but organic apostolic leadership. People who take initiative to start new churches by leading people to Christ are quite naturally accepted by others are their leaders. Those who are fathers and mothers in the Lord, who create family and who have spiritual sons and daughters they have led to faith in Christ, are naturally leading the way.

The practice of leaders of appointing leaders also creates accountability between churches through proven men and women who exercise one of the leadership “equipping” gifts described by Paul in Ephesians 4. As apostles and teachers and shepherds and prophets and evangelists move between church communities they are able to provide needed wisdom so the churches don’t become isolated or subject to false doctrine. In other words, there is a need from outside a local church community for help in discerning who qualifies to serve as elders inside the local church community, especially in the beginning stages of the life of a new church. It is those with one of the five gifts of equipping leadership that are able to discern others with the same gifts as themselves.

Scripture passages that reinforce the Biblical truth of leaders appointing leaders:

  • The apostles chose another apostle – Acts 1:26

  • When there was a need for some admin help in the early church, the apostles oversaw the process of selection and appointment of these leaders – Acts 6:1-6

  • Jesus modeled the truth of leaders appointing leaders: He chose apostles from among his disciples to be leaders among them – Luke 6:12

  • The elders oversaw the distribution of goods to the poor among them – Acts 11:30

  • When their was a dispute, it was the apostles and elders that functioned as representatives of the people that judged the matter, and an apostle among them, James, who chaired the gathering – Acts 15:4, 16:4

  • At the end of his life, Paul called for the elders of a church to come together – Acts 20:17ff

  • When there were problems in the church in Crete, Paul sent Titus to set things in order and to appoint elders – Titus 1:5

It is interesting to note that after they had cast lots for Matthias and he was numbered with the eleven apostles, we never hear about Matthias again. There is no reason given in the New Testament why this is true. We can speculate that Peter got ahead of the Lord in appointing someone, or that it was the method of casting lots that failed them, or simply that Matthias was a quiet man of God who served humbly in the background. We don’t know why this is the way it is, and it would be a mistake to speculate from silence of the Scriptures as to why it is so.

Bride Price

I referred to "bride price" in a recent letter to some friends. One of them asked me what this means and why I am against it.

The bride price practice in Africa is part of the socio-economics of Africa. It is a way of providing a sort of pension for parents. Young men and their families are expected to give cash and cows to the bride's family. A price that is negotiated between the elders representing the two families. The price is determined by future bride's father and uncles. Where this practice causes problems is when young men or their families cannot pay the bride price, but they go ahead and live together.

The families would cut them off the young man if he got married without paying the bride price. However, it is common for a man to live with the woman he plans to marry some day without getting married while he tries to save or find a way to pay the bride price, and of course the couple normally have several children as well. Many of the men leave the woman they are living with if they prefer another woman or move back home to the tribal area. There is flexibility on the part of the family and tribal elders to accept their sons and daughters living together, but there is no tolerance for them to get officially married until the bride price is paid.

This double standard has led to destruction in many people's lives. Sally and I are trying to understand how to honour African traditions and practices but to also work for transformation of those practices that are creating havoc in people's lives, especially innocent children.

The MAWL Process

Discovery Groups exist to lead a group of people to Christ and form a new church. During the limited  lifespan of the group, the role of the church planter changes. His goal is to remove himself from the group so that leadership will emerge from within the group. The MAWL (Model – Assist/equip – Watch  – Leave) process describes this (the entire MAWL process can take up to 2 years):

M odel

  • The Church Planter models the Discovery Group process to the group and rapidly hands over parts of the process until the group is doing it without his help. The Church Planter should meet with the facilitators regularly outside the group time to teach the process and evaluate the group.

  • The modelling should be no longer than three weeks. If the church planter is still in this stage after 8 weeks, he should seriously re-evaluate the group (In all likelihood, he has not found a person of peace/ inside leader or has a problem letting go of leadership).

  • The best time to hand over leadership is from Day 1! The Church Planter may even teach the Discovery Group process to the inside facilitator before the group launches. The inside facilitator then leads from the first time the group gathers with the Church Planter assisting in the meeting and equipping outside the meeting times.

Potential Problm: If the Church Planter does not rapidly release to inside facilitators, the group will become increasingly reliant on him or her to lead and members will not take ownership of the group.

A ssist/ Equip

  • The Church Planter assists the group during the meetings while the inside facilitator facilitates. The Church Planter’s primary role is to keep the group focused on following the Discovery Group process. If the group strays from this (eg: someone starts preaching, they skip the obedience section, etc) then the Church Planter or the inside facilitator should gently bring the group back to the Discovery Group process.

  • The Church Planter also equips the inside facilitator or emerging facilitation team (2 or 3) outside the meetings. He reviews the last meeting with the facilitator. He helps the emerging facilitators to see their shortfalls, discusses problem areas and encourages them.

  • Increasingly, the Church Planter should allow the group to self-correct. He should become more and more silent in the meetings, allowing the group the opportunity to spot and correct their own mistakes.

  • The Church Planter also begins to enter into a mentoring role with the emerging facilitators. He holds them accountable for their own obedience, asks about various areas of their lives and prays with them regularly.

Potential Problem: If the Church Planter does not assist and equip, the group will abandon the Discovery Group process (especially in a religious society), leadership will not emerge and the group will quickly degenerate or dissolve.

W atch

  • During this phase, the Church Planter gives no guidance during the meetings. He simply watches or participates as a member of the group. He periodically skips meetings.

  • All guidance by the Church Planter now takes place outside the meetings with the facilitators of the group. True leadership begins to emerge.

  • Key areas to watch out for:

    • Is the group faithful to the Discovery Group process?

    • Is the group becoming obedient and holding one another accountable for obedience (reporting back the next week)?

    • Are the group members sharing their discoveries with others outside the group?

    • Are the group members entering into practical ministry to one another?

    • Is the group participative (no preaching or teaching, everyone praying, etc)?

    • Is the group keeping the authority of the Word as central (adjusting their opinions according to the Word, holding one another including the facilitator accountable to the Word, etc)?

    • Be very wary of new influences into the group. Watch for visitors who may influence the group – especially outside religious influences.

    • Preferably do not allow people to join the group after week 3. Teach the group to rather start up new groups with new people. Remember: Church Planting Movements begin when CHURCHES start new churches, not when Church Planters begin new churches!

Potential Problems: If the Church Planter does not watch and re-visit the group periodically, then the group may abandon the Discovery Group process and quickly degenerate or dissolve. If the group grows large instead of starting new groups (a missional foundation), the group will form a “club” mentality (become isolated from the community) and the surrounding people will not be reached for Christ.

L eave

  • During this stage (and possibly earlier) you will also be networking the leaders of the various groups together. Create gatherings where people are exposed to others who are also following the same process.

  • Your role becomes one of a mentor from outside the groups. Meet regularly with the leaders of the groups to discuss the progress in their groups.

  • You will now be at the stage where the groups begin turning into churches. As people turn to Christ and become obedient followers, you will be mentoring them through the process of becoming healthy churches and starting new groups on their own.

  • The networked leaders will form a Shepherding team, shape their own leadership and you will need to leave. Leaving allows them to find their own identity.

  • The Church Planter will return later to continue a relationship with the emerging elders and deacons of the new churches. The role of the Church Planter now becomes one of outside advisor and mentor to the emerging church(s).

Potential Problem: If the Church Planter does not leave, then the group will again become dependant on the Church Planter. The elders of the church network must be allowed to emerge and lead. The new churches must also be allowed to find their own cultural identity.

God's Story - Creation to Christ

Lesson One - Creation

There is one true God and He created all that is. He lives by His Holy Spirit in the hearts of true Christians who are born again.

  • God Created the Heavens and Earth ……………………………………………………………….…Genesis 1:1-24

  • God Created Man and Woman ……………………………………………………………………………Genesis 1:25-28

Truths to learn and obey from these Bible verses about creation:

  • God is the creator but not a spirit in the creation; He is personal and infinite

  • God created man and woman for three reasons: friendship with God, to love and care for each other, and to oversee creation and preach the good news of Jesus.

Lesson Two - Rebellion

We have all sinned against God through disobedience and rebellion. The penalty of our sin is death.

  • Rebellion in Heaven………………………………………………..……..Revelation 12:7-9

  • Rebellion in Heaven………………………………………………………Isaiah 14:12-15

  • Rebellion and Deception on Earth ………………….…………...Genesis 3:1-7

  • Guilt and Shame Separates God and Adam and Eve ....Genesis 3:3-13

  • Every Human Being Has Sinned, Sin is penalty of sin …Romans 3:23, 6:23

  • Our sin causes great sadness to God …………………………Genesis 6:5-6

Truths to learn and obey from these Bible verses about rebellion:

  • Satan is a liar and deceiver and will sometimes speak lies to people in dreams or through evil people

  • Sin is rebellion/disobedience

  • God gave death as the punishment for sin

Lesson Three - Sacrifice

The punishment for our sins requires a sacrifice for there to be forgiveness.

  • God Uses Sacrifices as a Picture of Jesus ………………. Genesis 22:1-14

  • The Sin Offering ……………………………………………………..… Leviticus 4:1-3

  • Jesus Died So We Can Return to God …………….…..Luke 23:21-34

  • Jesus’ Sacrifice Was Made One Time for All People ..Hebrews 10:12

Truths to learn and obey from these Bible verses about sacrifice:

  • The penalty for our sin is spiritual death

  • God has provided a way to escape the penalty of sin

  • Jesus is God’s sacrifice for our sins

  • There is no need for other sacrifices – Jesus is the sacrifice for all time for everyone

Lesson Four - Return to God

God provides a way for us to repent and return to Him

  • God Asked His People to Return to Him by Repenting of Sin ..Hosea 6:1-3, Isaiah 44:22, 55:7

  • The Lost Son Returns to His Father …………………………….………Luke 15:11-20

  • There Are Two Things We Must Do to Return to God ………. John 1:12-13

  • Our Sins Are Forgiven When We Return to God ………………...1 John 1:9

  • We are Born Again and God’s Spirit Lives in Us………….…….. John 3:6, Romans 8:14

Truths to learn and obey from these Bible verses about returning to God:

  • Returning to God is a way of acknowledging our need for forgiveness

  • Returning to God is an act of godly sorrow for our sin

  • Returning to God releases God’s forgiveness

  • When we return to God we become the children of God

Lesson Five – Commission

Telling others about Jesus

  • We Are Sent to Tell Others About Jesus ……………….……Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:18-20

  • When We Return to God We Receive New Life …………John 3:3-7, 15-17

  • God’s Gift of Life and Forgiveness is by Grace ………….Ephesians 2:1-8

  • We Are Adopted As God’s Children…………………………...Romans 8:15-17

  • When We Die We Will Go to Heaven by Grace …….…… Revelation 5:9-10

  • We Become God’s Friends and Co-Workers on Earth..John 15:13-16

Truths to learn and obey from these Bible verses:

  • We have assurance of salvation because of what Jesus has done for us

  • We are sent by Jesus to tell others about Him

D-Group Companion

Here is a quick guideline on running a D-Group by using the ABC process. Use this as a “how to” guide and keep in mind as a church planter you will be training trainers to start more D-Groups that can grow into new churches. You do this not so much doing it yourself (except in your own D-group), but by coaching others.


This part of the group is about loving God (for believers) and caring for one another!

  • Asking people what they are thankful for is a springboard for worship. Encourage believing groups to worship the Lord through song, reading psalms or saying a prayer. Leave worship out with pre-believing groups!

  • Each one sharing one need in his life is a springboard for prayer. Prayer in the group works as follows! Remember keep the process strong! When everyone has shared their prayer request we pray for one another in the group by each praying for no more than 30 seconds and one thought only. That way everyone's need is getting prayed for in a short time. If the group is large break up into smaller groups.

  • Each one reviewing the one thing they learned last week in the Bible study is a basis for Biblical accountability. D-Groups encourage obedience based on self—discovery in God’s Word.


This part of the D-Group meeting is about discovering God and His will for our lives!

  • The facilitator does not teach. His/her job is to ask questions and let the group go on a discovery journey to find the answers for themselves in god’s Word.

  • The discovery process is easy and the pattern is essential: read, restate, reflect, then report one thing they got from the passage. The Holy Spirit is the teacher!

  • Asking at random one person to tell the passage in their own words makes the group pay good attention while it's being read!


This part of the meeting is about putting into practice what has been learned. It's about obedience to the Word and sharing what we've learned with others who don't know Jesus.

  • Allowing each person to share with the group the truth they have learned is practice for when they share it with friends and family who do not know Jesus

  • Remember to ask “How are you going to apply this truth you have discovered in your life this week?

  • Remember to ask “Who will you share it with?”

  • Caring for the needs of the community around is a core part of what the group does. This gets the group caring for their community even before they become believers! (Usually persons of peace will carry the needs of the community on their hearts already)

  • Once the group are believers they may also actively pray for specific people in their family to come to faith in Christ.

Becoming a D-Groups Starter!

D-groups are discipleship groups that can grow into little churches or remain small groups in a local church. The key element of D-Groups is multiplication – that is what gets people active in being a disciple and making disciples. Expect some groups to fail. Focus your energy on coaching on those that are willing to train others to lead the groups and are active in multiplying more groups.

Here are three key elements to multiplying D-Groups:

  1. Stick to the ABC pattern. The process is very important and your job as a coach is to make sure the process stays on course.

  2. Hand over quickly to a new facilitator(s). Use the MAWL process the following way:
    Model the ABC process 3 times, then turn it over. NOT MORE. As you model, ask your potential facilitator(s), “Did you see what I did?” “Do you think you could do it?” This allows your facilitator in training to realize you are modeling something you want them to catch!
    Assist From the 4th time the group comes together the new facilitator takes over. At this point you assist by keeping the process on track. You also meet with your facilitator to brief and debrief them on how they are doing.
    Watch You no longer have to keep the process on track because your facilitator(s) have got it! You miss some of the meetings to start more D-Groups.
    Leave The group no longer depends on you to run. You continue to mentor your facilitator(s) on a separate time.

  3. Don't allow people to join the group once it's going. When new people want to join, start new groups with them!

Here is how you go about starting and coaching a new D-Gorup:

  • Start by being a church with your team or co-worker – do the “ABC’s” together

  • Pray a lot

  • Gain access to the community – share Jesus and serve people

  • Find the “Person of Peace” – See Luke 10:1-11

  • Find the 'Oikos' of Peace – the person of peace’s network or family – Don’t get impressed with first friendly person you meet

  • Start the Bible study in someone’s home in the community (it may be with as few as 2-4 people).

  • Coach the new facilitator after the 3rd meeting, following the MAWL process

  • Work towards multiplication by starting new D-Groups as people want to join the group.

D-Group “No-No’s”

  • Don’t take offerings for ministries or projects

  • Don’t recruit volunteers for other projects or ministries

  • Don’t get into discussions about someone’s personal doctrine

  • Don’t mix personal business with discipleship

  • Don’t mix politics with being the D-Group facilitator or coach

  • Don’t be a match maker of relationships

  • Don’t turn it into personal accountability group

  • Don’t spend time alone counseling or driving members of the opposite sex

  • Don’t borrow or lend money

  • Don’t invite guest speakers

Q & A About All Nations Cape Town

Including Our Twenty Year Dream

1. What is the overall mission and purpose of All Nations Cape Town?

We do three things in All Nations: we plant churches, train leaders, and make disciples. We do this by engaging the poor and unreached through practical programs to serve people’s needs, and by sharing the good news of Jesus. All Nations has churches and workers active in about 25 countries worldwide. Sally and I are based in Cape Town, South Africa. We work in the poorer communities of Cape Town where we reach people with the gospel and equip church planters to go to other parts of Africa and the Middle East. We are passionate about reaching the unreached people groups of Africa and the Middle East, especially Muslims. There are about 400 million people among Africa’s one billion people who have never heard the gospel one time.

2. What specific task(s) has God called you to fulfill?

As mentioned above, we have 3 tasks we focus on: disciple making, church planting and leadership training. We seek to equip local Africans to lead the way in planting 1000 churches in the next ten-twenty years amongst the least reach people groups of Africa, especially amongst Muslims.

3. How is your work being accomplished?

We form and train teams that are engaged daily in the high-crime, extreme poverty areas of Cape Town. We do projects that include sports, job creation, AIDS awareness and prevention, life skills training, art and music, abandoned baby rescue and helping children at risk (child headed households), education, and farming. We engage in all these projects with the aim of gaining access to the hearts and lives of people, then discerning who is the “person of peace” (Luke 10:5—7), then starting a Bible study with that person, and then as the Bible study grows, turning it into a new church plant. We have planted about 50 churches in the last three years following this approach in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Zambia and Mozambique. Many thousands of people have been ministered to, but more importantly, many hundreds have been and are being discipled. Scores of quality leaders are being equipped.

4. What are your specific goals for this coming year?

Our goals for this year:

  • Develop the vocational training program to equip Africa church planters with job skills/trades to enable them to be self-supporting and self-sustaining. There are 10 of our leaders now in various stages of vocational and work skills training. Some are involved in a work/live program. Others have participated in the following training seminars in the following disciplines: computer literacy, non-tillage farming, hospitality, education, business. We plan to develop each seminar into a full-service training track in the trade school.

  • Break through to 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation church plants by the initial churches we have started in the last 3 years. Approximately 35 churches have been started since October, 2006.

  • Establish church planting hubs in Zambia and Zimbabwe and send full time workers to Zanzibar and Ghana.

  • Send exploratory teams to research possible locations for church planting among unreached people groups in Angola, Lesotho, Sudan, Ghana and North India.

  • Pay off the remaining debt on our training center of $160,000 US. This will allow us to go into phase two of developing the training center. Presently, we can house 35 students at Africa House. When the debt is retired we would like to build an additional accommodation/class room wing that will increase student housing to 60 students and allow the church planting and trade school classes to run simultaneously.

5. What are your greatest internal needs in the ministry?

  • We need a full time administrator, and a operations director for the training center.

  • Funds to retire $160,000 debt at Africa House so we can enter the second phase of developing the facilities, a $300,000 project.

  • Greater level of prayer and fasting. Our teams and workers fast different days of the week, but the level of intensity and faith needs to go to a higher level.

  • Embrace the grace of God for suffering and sacrifice that is necessary to reach the 450 million lost people of Africa. 350 million of that number are Muslims.

6. What are the greatest external threat(s) to the ministry in Africa?

  • Islamic fundamentalism and it’s violent response to the progress of the gospel amongst Muslims

  • Spiritual warfare against our workers as they move into unreached people groups: sickness, auto accidents, wars, corrupt government leaders, Muslim extremists who oppose our work, lack of funds for our African church planters.

  • African animistic world-views, reinforced by ancestor worship and controlling family leaders to maintain tribal customs consistent with those practices and world views

  • Poverty mentality among Africans that leads to passivity and hopelessness

  • Violent crime

  • Corruption among government leaders

  • Family expectations that Christian workers should support elders and other family members financially

  • Sexual promiscuity in the townships and villages of Africa

  • Marriage practice of lobola (bride price)

7. What are the greatest opportunities in Africa?

  • 10,000’s of Africans willing to be trained for cross-cultural church planting

  • Openness amongst Africa’s 350 million Muslims to the gospel

  • Governments are open: they need help in responding to needs in education, job creation, community development, AIDS, etc.

  • Natural resources: Africa can feed itself

  • Unemployed university students: there is a vast army of young adults waiting for a cause to give their lives for

  • Education systems are open to Christian programs

  • There is huge potential in Africa to mobilize thousands of workers to go to other continents and aid in the completion of the great commission

8. What is your 20 year dream?

  • 100 apostolic leaders leading church planting movements in the hardest places of Africa

  • 1000 churches planted that are self-sustaining and reproducing

  • 5 Major training hubs in each of the major geographical regions of Africa: Southern, Northern, Western, Eastern, and Central Africa

  • 10,000 workers who have been trained and are self-supporting church planters

  • CPx training programs in each of Africa’s 54 countries

D-Groups Simplified

“You have heard me teach many things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Teach these great truths to trustworthy people who are able to pass them on to others” (2 Timothy 2:2 NLT).

A,B,C Format
– It’s very important to follow the pattern called “ABC” (call it anything you want to call it). Divide the D-Group meeting into one-thirds and faithfully stick with the purpose of each one-third. The D-Groups help lay the foundation for very basic discipleship. The format is easy to learn and easy to follow, and it is also very transferable.

A – Ask (accountability leading to short verbal worship and praying for each other)

  1. Ask, “What is one thing you are thankful for?” Then, “Let’s take time to thank God with short prayers of thanksgiving”.

  2. Ask, “Do you have a need to share or a sin you want to confess?” Then, “Let’s pray short prayers for each other”.

  3. Ask, “What did you learn in last weeks Bible study and how it’s going applying it to your life”.

B - Bible study – Use the discovery Bible approach

  1. Read. Ask someone to read the passage of Scripture.

  2. Restate. Ask someone else to restate it in their own words. Ask the rest of the group to add anything that was left out – without lots of discussion.

  3. Reflect. Take 3-5 minutes to reflect in silence. No discussion first.

  4. Relate. Share one thing each person has from the passage. Each one share once before anyone shares twice.

C – Commit - to pray and obey

  1. Pray. “Who are three people you can share this truth with?”
    “Let’s pray for them now in groups of two”.

  2. Obey. “Let’s practice how we will share with a friend or family member what we learned today”.

  3. Practice – It is crucial to spend a few minutes at the end of each session practicing how the truth that was learned will be shared with the three people you are praying for.

Come Join Us For Ten Days in Cape Town!


This is your invite to spend ten days with us in Cape Town! Ten days for Jesus! I'll be teaching almost every day on Making the Basics Beautiful!

If your between 18 and 30 years, want to do something special this holiday season, and are hungry to grow in your faith - apply now!



What is Ten Days for Jesus?

It’s an annual event hosted by All Nations in and around Noordhoek near Cape Town, South Africa.

It’s your opportunity to be involved in reaching people in some of the local townships around the Cape Peninsula and showing them how much Jesus loves them.

We set aside ten whole days where we give our time and ourselves to love and serve others as a birthday gift to our King.

What better gift to give Him than our lives in serving the poor and those who don’t know him?

“ ... It is more blessed to give than to receive…” (Acts 20:35).

Join with us and many other enthusiastic followers of Jesus for this exciting short outreach, reaching out to people with God’s heart and love!

When Is Ten Days for Jesus 2009?

The outreach will run from the afternoon of Thursday 10th December through Sunday 20th December, 2009.

Cost of Ten Days for Jesus 2009?

It will cost R1,700 for the ten day period.

This will cover your accommodation, 3 meals a day and transport once you arrive at Africa House. Transportation from the airport or bus station is R100 extra.

Ten Days For Jesus 2009 Program

Our theme for 2009 is ‘Back to Basics’. We want to go back to the basics and remind ourselves of how Jesus shared the gospel by serving people with love.

We are excited about what God is going to be doing!

Ten Days has always been a blast and this year will be no exception. Join us !

What Should I Do Now?

We only have room for a limited number of people so if you want to join us, apply now.

We look forward to hearing from you shortly!

The Ten Days for Jesus Team

Bo-Kapp Outreaches

Bo-Kaap reaches out to and impacts foreigners who have been coming to Cape Town, especially those from Muslim backgrounds, networking with local Christians and churches.

The ministry grew out of our ministry to Cape Muslims in 2006. A vision was followed up to reach out to and impact foreigners who have been coming to Cape Town, especially those from Muslim backgrounds, networking with local Christians and churches.

Target Audience:

  • Foreigners, especially Muslims among them.

Key Activities:

  • Prayer walks, friendship evangelism.

  • Workshops.

  • Seminars, English teaching, research.

Desired Results:

  • Home churches: Bo-Kaap, Mowbray.

  • Pinelands, Parow.

Opportunities for Involvement:

  • Join us in prayer walks.

  • Be involved as we develop relationships from which will flow our friendship evangelism.

  • Come and pray with us in our prayer groups.

  • Help with English teaching.

  • Assist in guiding a home church.