Prayer Request and a Testimony
/I am writing to ask you to pray for the international leadership team of All Nations. We are meeting for six days, starting tomorrow morning, June 17th. We need God's wisdom, his grace and sensitivity to hear his voice. Thank you!
I received this very amazing news this morning about a radical Muslim man name Earl who came to Christ when I preached in a high security prison in South Africa in February:
"Earl would very much like to write to you. He's got your name, as well as Sally and your children, in his journal with the list of people that he prays for every day... I continue to stand amazed at the absolute change in him and his complete dedication/devotion to Jesus no matter what! One of his biggest frustrations at the moment is the fact that he doesn't see the people around him in the body of Christ living towards/with one another like the Word teaches, and he cannot comprehend why this is while the Word is so clear and we obviously just need to do exactly what the Word teaches!! And only almost four months old in the Lord..."
Please pray for Earl. He was the leader of a large, violent gang in the prison. He is having a major impact for Jesus!
Yours for his glory in all nations,
Floyd McClung