Making Covenants With God

David Grieved Well

There are times we must get alone with God and grieve, like David did in the psalms. We cannot grow spiritually, we cannot keep a clean heart and a tender spirit, if we dont know how to grieve before the Lord. If we grieve well we will not accumulate resentments...take up offenses...blame God or others.

There are things we lose in not rush pass them. Grieve what is lost as an act of worship, as an expression of honest trust before the Lord.

Spiritual leaders are sometimes so occupied with caring for others and standing strong, that they lose touch with their own hearts. As I read through 1 Samuel about the life of David, I'm impressed that he grieved his losses as a way of worship, of giving his disappointments to God.

To grieve well is to trust God, it is a way of making covenant with God, to bow our heart and will, to declare to the Lord that "in all things You are at work for Your glory and my good".