Don't Forget to Remember

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Before we go through hard times, we wonder how we'll do when they hit. This week marks 7 years since I was first diagnosed with ovarian cancer.  The original diagnosis was somewhat shocking as there were no symptoms.  When I realized I would need surgery and chemo, I wondered if I'd make it through all that.  You hear so many horror stories about chemo.  Then after the shock of the diagnosis, the journey itself has been somewhat shocking because of the severity of treatment.  I've had 8 surgeries, 4 types of chemo treatment - along with various "natural" treatments, and twice I almost got to heaven before Floyd.

Having said all that, my doctors say it's somewhat of a miracle that I'm still alive.  I agree!  God has wonderfully, miraculously kept me living.  I am so very grateful for that.  And, as I mentioned recently, the journey continues.  I still need prayer.  I still need people to "hold the ropes" for me.  I'm praying, and my grandkids are praying, that I'll still be around for many more years.

When I look back on all this, all I can think of is how wonderfully good and faithful the Lord has been to me.  While going through all the treatment, I was also caring for Floyd.  Honestly, I don't know how I made it - except for God's grace, our family, and lots of good friends walking with me.  God has been amazing!  When the Bible says His grace is "sufficient" for every need - it's really true!!

I read about a lady who was going to take her car through an automatic car wash.  She'd never done it before, and she was nervous.  As her car got on the conveyor belt, it was pelted with water, shampoo, brushes coming from everywhere......and she began to wonder if her car would get stuck in the midst of that.....or if she'd make it through.  Then suddenly the car was dried from blowers - and she was out the other side with a clean car.

It's a great example of going through the trials of life.  We get into situations that move us along.  All kinds of things "pelt" us.  We feel bombarded from every angle.  But with God's help, we make it through to the other side.  Sometimes it looks different when we get through the trials.  We may not get the exact answers we hoped for.  But we will get through it!  With God holding our hand and walking by our side, we'll make it.

"Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.  When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.  When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.  For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior."  Isaiah 43:1-3

I have claimed the promise of that verse repeatedly the last 7years!  God has been faithful to get me through the waters, the rivers, and the fires.

After I wrote about the prayers of the believers "holding the ropes” for me a few weeks ago, one friend said she had an impression that many ropes had joined together and formed a swing.....for me to relax on and swing in peace.  I loved that visual image.  I need to rest, and I need peace.  I'm picturing myself swinging on those joined ropes!  Grateful for those holding the ropes!

One of Floyd's favorite songs was the children's chorus "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so."  He said it was simple, but profound theology.  It was not uncommon for him to lead out in it when he spoke.  I watched a video clip this week of when our friends Loren and Darlene Cunningham visited Floyd in the hospital a few years ago.  We sang this song together for Floyd because he loved it so much.

Someone sent me another children's song recently - "Don't Forget to Remember" by Ellie Holcomb.  I love it!  I've played it a number of times.  It expresses another profound truth - how important it is to remember God's goodness.  

Through the years of our unexpected journey - when I've hit a hard spot, when I faced a difficult day, when my heart was heavy, or when my faith was lagging - I would sit and "remember."  I would remember the many answers to prayer we've seen.  I'd remember how God had met us time and time again.  I would remember the abundant promises of God's goodness and faithfulness in the Word.  Unfailingly, as I "remembered" my heart was strengthened, my faith was boosted, and the difficult day seemed easier.  "Remembering" is a gift from the Lord to our hearts!!

Over and over in the Word we're told to remember, to not forget.  God knew how much remembering would help us!

The "Celebration of Life" memorial service for Floyd is coming up.  We want to remember God's goodness to Floyd and our family during his 75 years.  

"Remember this day in which you went out from Egypt, from the house of slavery; for by a powerful hand the Lord brought you from this place."  Exodus 13:3

"You shall remember all the ways which the Lord your God has led you in the wilderness these forty years."  Deuteronomy 8:2

"I remembered the word of the Lord."  Acts 11:16

"Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God."  Deuteronomy 8:11

I must be careful that I don't "forget to remember" all the ways God in His faithfulness has met me time and time again.  He is so good!