The Lord is By My Side

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We've had a cold, rainy week here in Cape Town.  The cold tends to sap my energy, but I've been plugging along dealing with things.  My plate has been full.  It's been an intense week for me.  There have been a number of things I've been lifting to the Lord.

One day in my quiet time this verse spoke to me:

"This also comes from the Lord of hosts, who is wonderful in counsel and excellent in guidance."  Isaiah 28:29

As I read that verse - "wonderful in counsel, excellent in guidance" -  I was so comforted that the Lord is my counselor and He is guiding me.  I prayed that out to the Lord, and could almost physically feel the weights lifting from me.  I am so grateful that the Lord is by my side.  I truly couldn't make it without Him!  

I could never have survived the last 5 years on our unexpected journey without Him counseling and guiding me.  So, so many decisions I've had to make on Floyd's behalf.  Big decisions!  Decisions I would have never dreamed I would face.  And God has helped me with each one.  Oh how grateful I am!  He is my counselor and guide.

I came across a phrase in a book this week, too, that was helpful.  A lady mentioned that God doesn't worry, so when she prays - she prays solutions rather than problems.  I liked that!  When we pray we can pray what the outcome is that we need, and ask the Lord to show us how to get there.  It changes the focus.

I so believe in the power of prayer!  My mom and Floyd's parents were all wonderful intercessors.  Their examples impacted our lives.  We have leaned into prayer all the 54 years of our life together......and we've seen so, so many answers to prayer.  We have experienced God being our counselor and guide time and time again.

"With your counsel you will guide me."  Psalm 73:24

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you."  Psalm 32:8

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying 'This is the way; walk in it.' "  Isaiah 30:21

"The Lord will guide you always."  Isaiah 58:11

I've been listening to and singing a song this week - "God will make a way, when there seems to be no way.  He works in ways we cannot see. He will make a way for me."  I'm so grateful that God counsels us, guides us, and makes a way for us when we face the challenges of life.  He has been so faithful to me!

Having grieved for my gentle giant for over 5 years, I was caught off guard by the profoundness of the final grief.  I have found that it comes in waves - often triggered by the smallest, simplest things.  The waves wash over me with gentle, sweet memories reminding me of treasures from our 54 years.

At first I didn't want the waves to come because I would find myself crying a lot.  It was rather draining.  But every time the wave came, I'd stop and talk to the Lord as I cried.  I began to see that each wave of grief was bringing healing.  I realized I needed to flow with the wave rather than resisting it.

Someone said to me that "grief is our receipt of having loved well."  I like that!  The reason I'm grieving is because I've lost something valuable.  It changed my perspective.  I could appreciate the grief rather than trying to stop it.

And the grieving process does indeed bring healing!  If I bottle up my grief, I won't receive the healing that my heart needs.  I know it will take some time, but I'm embracing the grieving, healing process - and allowing the Lord to minister His grace into each wave that comes my way.

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."  Psalm 34:18

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."  Matthew 5:4

"Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows."  Isaiah 53:4

"Jesus wept."  John 11:35

Iā€™m so grateful that the Lord is my guide and wonderful counselor as I walk through the grieving and healing process too.