Leaving a Rich Heritage

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This past week was a national holiday in South Africa called Heritage Day.  It started me thinking, once again, of the wonderful heritage I have.  I had a praying mother and a wonderful, Godly mother-in-law and father-in-law.  I am so blessed to have been loved, prayed for, and influenced by them.  They have helped shape who I am today.

But I started thinking, too, of others who have been influential in my life.  I am grateful to many who have impacted me and are part of my heritage.

-  My Aunt Lillian who joined my mother in praying for me every day of my growing up years - praying that I would love Jesus and serve Him. 

-  Pastor Sam O'Toole.  He was my pastor in my early teen years.  He believed in me, in my call to missions.  He helped me find out about YWAM and encouraged me to step out and go on outreaches.  He "pushed me out the door so to speak." 

-  Several lovely elderly ladies in my home church.  Sister Miller (we called everyone brother and sister in our church), Sister Burget, and others whose names I can't remember.  They formed a prayer group to pray first for me when I went on YWAM outreaches, and then for Floyd and me when we married......praying for us for many years until they passed away.  Some of them sent us $5 and $10 a month to help support us.

-  My sister, Edell Gloor.  She's 15 years older than me.  In many ways she was a second mom to me when I was growing up.  She has loved me and cared for me all her life.  Floyd and I were with her just a few months before he became ill.  I treasure those memories.  Although she's faced some health challenges, she is still alive and loving Jesus.

-  Muriel Fritz took me under her wing in Afghanistan when I was expecting our first baby.  I was far from my mom and Floyd's mom.  Muriel stepped in to help me through that tender season.  She and her husband, Dale, later worked with us in Holland.  She and I stayed in touch until she went to be with Jesus 3 years ago.

There are many, many others who are part of my heritage.  I mention these few because they are just "normal" people.....but they had huge impacts in my life.  None of them were famous, well-known people.  But I'm sure they are known in heaven because of their love for the Lord and their care for me, Floyd, and others.  There's a verse that talks about those who stay behind with the baggage will receive the same reward as those who go to battle.  I so believe that!  We're on the same team - Team Jesus.

Each one of us has the opportunity to be part of the heritage of those around us.  We'll someday leave all the "stuff" behind us - but the input we've had into people's lives we'll take with us to heaven.  Someone mentioned to me recently the "family lineage" we are leaving behind.  I got so excited thinking about that!  May God help me leave a rich heritage for those around me.

"The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle.  All will share alike."  1 Samuel 30:24

"I have a goodly heritage."  Psalm 16:6

"You have given me the heritage of those who fear your name."  Psalm 61:5

"No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.  This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord."  Isaiah 54:17

I treasure all the ones who are part of my heritage.  I'm grateful for each one of them.  And I pray that I will be part of the heritage of others.  

When I have to do my medical checkups and tests it tends to produce anxiety for me.  Even though I tell myself a hundred times that I shouldn't worry, little questions and worries creep in.  I have to continually be on guard against letting fear pop its ugly head up.  I know God is on the alert and is watching over me.  I know He is carrying my burdens.  I know that worry is a burden God doesn't want us to carry.  I know He's in control, and I'm in good hands.  But.......!  My thoughts and feelings don't always submit to the truth of these things as quickly and easily as I would like.

That's where, once again, TRUST comes in.  I like how David, the mighty warrior, put it - "When I am afraid, I will trust in you."  (Psalm 56:3)  He admits his fear, but chooses to trust.  Our human emotions can get in the way of the choices we want to make in trusting God.  I find it helpful to continually speak out loud - "I trust you Lord."  It helps keep my attention focused on trusting God rather than giving in to the anxiety.  Trusting God keeps me in His presence - which helps keep the concerns and anxieties at bay.

Whatever our concern may be - Covid, cancer, finances, broken relationships, jobs, the future, our children, health - as we speak out our trust it releases fresh faith in our hearts to keep our focus on God and not on the questions or problems.  It's an ongoing challenge.  We don't just conquer this once and it's all over.  But when fear and concern come it doesn't "trump" trust.  We have to continually, minute by minute put our trust in Him.  He's available 24/7 to help us!

"Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep."  Psalm 121:4

"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."  Deuteronomy 31:8

"When I am afraid, I will trust in you."  Psalm 56:3 

"The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him."  Nahum 1:7

When we have concerns, we shouldn't beat ourselves up for having very normal human emotions.  We need to simply choose to trust our wonderful God in the face of whatever is before us causing the concern.  It's a lesson I keep learning.  It takes root deeper and deeper in my heart each time I choose trust.  As I make that choice, God brings fresh comfort and hope into my heart.  He is so good and faithful!