Twelve Principles of Discovery Discipleship

DISCOVERY DISCIPLESHIP seeks to empower emerging leaders to bring about sustainable transformation in society and to ignite self-sustaining, reproducing movements of Jesus' disciples making more disciples, and through that, to build healthy reconciled communities and nations. Discovery discipleship is based on Biblical principles of personal and community obedience to Jesus Christ. The principles of discovery discipleship are as follows:

  1. Obedience to a few simple truths that a person discovers from the teachings of Jesus is a more powerful form of transformation than seeking ever increasing knowledge about the Bible or Christianity as a "religion".

  2. Investing in a few obedient followers of Jesus is a more powerful form of transformation than seeking to influence multitudes of non-obedient Christian spectators.

  3. "Insiders" make the best leaders: "outsiders" are to invest in insiders, those inside the culture or business network of relationships that God wants to use to bring about transformation.

  4. Self-discovery of the life-transforming truths Jesus taught is more powerful than being told what to believe.

  5. The Holy Spirit is the best teacher; the role of mentors is to facilitate opportunity for new followers of Jesus to hear the Holy Spirit speak directly to them from the Bible, without being told what to believe.

  6. The teachings of Jesus in the Bible are the greatest source of wisdom for transforming a nation.

  7. Every person has the resources within them through faith in Christ to be a leader in their community; the greatest obstacle to being a transformational leader is not poverty of circumstances, but poverty of mind and spirit.

  8. God has prepared persons of peace inside every culture, business, government, neighborhood and sphere of society who are the key persons to bring about transformation. Such persons are not just "networkers", or "gatekeepers", but persons ready to obey Jesus, to change their mind and behavior about sinful, selfish choices that are destructive to themselves and their community.

  9. Discipleship is intentional relationship. Transformational discipleship is intentionally investing in someone so they might have the opportunity to experience the life-transforming power of knowing and obeying Jesus Christ and as a result, bringing transformation to their community.

  10. Jesus invited people who did not yet know him to be his disciples; he discipled people to convert them, he did not convert them to disciple them.

  11. Belonging leads to believing, not just believing to belonging. In other words, Jesus modeled inviting people to be part of his spiritual family as a way of bringing them to obedient faith - he did not wait for them to believe in order to invite them to belong. If they did not grow to obedient faith, he did not kick them out, but at the same time, he gave attention to those most serious about obeying him.

  12. Discovery discipleship happens best in small discovery Bible studies that provide opportunity for accountability and practice of the above mentioned principles. These discovery groups are capable of growing into simple churches that can multiply and bring transformation in every sphere of society.

How God Has Designed the Church to Transform Cities and Nations

Four Ways God Transforms Cities and Nations 

Mark 1:14-15 – Jesus began his public ministry by announcing the arrival of the Kingdom of God. He taught more about the Kingdom than any other topic. It was his main theological framework. If we don’t understand the Kingdom, we don’t understand the teachings of Jesus. And if we misunderstand the Kingdom, we are susceptible to any number of heresies and false teachings.

It helps me to remember that the Kingdom of God is....

  • God’s kingdom is an upside down kingdom – Jesus came as a servant king to win the hearts of people – but someday he will return as the absolute king of every kingdom and nation.

  • God’s kingdom is a grassroots kingdom – Jesus came for every man and every woman, the poor, the broken, the least and the lost of society

  • God’s kingdom is a salt and light kingdom – Jesus preserves goodness in society through the lives of members of His Kingdom

  • God’s kingdom is an incarnational kingdom – Just as Jesus lived among people, so members of the Kingdom of God live among people, speak their language and live as their neighbors and friends

  • God’s kingdom is a transformational kingdom – Jesus has come to transform the world back to how he intended it to be

  • God’s kingdom is made up of true followers of Jesus Christ, of everyday, ordinary people

  • God’s kingdom is a discipleship kingdom – Jesus’ Kingdom is for fully devoted, obedient followers of Jesus Christ

Four Ways the Change Takes Place

There are several hundred “disciple making movements” in the world today. These are movements where followers of Jesus Christ are impacting the lives of other people in such powerful ways that whole neighborhoods, even entire villages, cities and some nations are being profoundly transformed by the presence of Kingdom men and women.

Earth will not become utopia, free of evil, pain and all sickness – until Jesus returns! There is not going to be a world free of sin and evil until Jesus returns a second time and fully establishes his Kingdom on earth. When that happens, the earth and all those who remain will be transformed fully, heaven the redeemed earth.

Meanwhile, we who are in the kingdom now seek to bring a taste of heaven to earth, to push back the forces of evil to give every human being an opportunity to freely embrace the King of the kingdom of God, Jesus Christ.

How do we do that? Four ways the Kingdom of God changes nations:


Engage individuals. We engage in people’s lives by sharing the good news of Jesus. We engage their lives first by praying fervently for them. We engage by praying for the city and nation we live in. But we do not just appeal to God for people, we also appeal to people for God. One without the other is half the truth God wants us to obey. We engage our communities, our culture, and people personally. It starts with neighbors, family members, people at work, and spreads to every one in our sphere of influence. To engage a person is to pray for them and to share with them the good news of who Jesus is and what he has done for them by dying for their sins.


Establish small discovery groups that establish foundations in people’s lives. The goal of these small groups is to establish foundations of freedom from sin, being part of a spiritual family, experiencing the Father’s love, and each member learning how to tell others about Jesus and disciple them to grow in their faith. The best way to establish people is through both one-on-one intentional discipleship relationships and in small groups of like minded people, what we call “discovery Bible studies’.


Equip people to hear God for themselves in the Bible. Equip people to engage others and to repeat the process of engage, establish, and equip, then empower. To equip is to gather a few people in discovery Bible studies focused on:

  • Self-discovery in God’s word together with a few others

  • Facilitate group members to intentionally engage others who don’t know Jesus

  • Obey what one learns through self-discovery in the group and accountability to the group about what is learned and obeyed

  • Serve as “outsiders” to raise up “insiders” in other groups to do the same thing and to keep on repeating the process over and over again

  • Focus on a few to reach many


Empower the people in the small discovery groups to grow into small simple churches,  that in turn reproduce other simple churches. Empowered people change nations by learning to take responsibility for their own lives. Empowered people break the cycles of passivity and dependence of “big leaders”. Empowered people learn that everyone has a role in the church. Simple church experience is an empowering process.

God’s design for empowerment is simple but profound: engage the lost, establish foundations in their lives, equip them to do the same thing by starting other small, discovery groups, empower those small groups to become disciple making, transformation simple churches, that in turn, start more churches. These churches can grow to be big churches, or they can multiply to become networks of small churches – but the main thing is not the size but that they become powerful channels of kingdom transformation in society.

God will never bypass the church as his main way of changing the world. The church is the hope of the world. Families of churches banding together are powerful forces for transformation in society.

These four steps outlined above are how God has designed the church to bring about transformation. It is a simple summary of a process we see over and over again in history, and in the first church in the book of Acts. If we ignore these four steps and the values found therein, we can still experience God’s revival presence, but it most likely won’t be conserved or have a wide and lasting impact.

The Signs of the Kingdom – When Disciple Making Movements Transform Cities and Nations

Acts 1:1-8

The Kingdom of God is the royal rule of God in people’s hearts and lives, and then through their lives, God impacts the world around them. The Kingdom of God has it’s beginning in the individual lives of His subjects and then extends beyond individuals to the rest of society.

We cannot overestimate the importance of the Kingdom. Jesus began His public ministry preaching the Kingdom, and everywhere he went he told people about the kingdom. He sent out his disciples to teach the kingdom, and He made it clear that no one could enter the kingdom unless they were born again (Mark 1:14-15, Matthew 9:35, 10:1 and following, John 3:3).

The mission of introducing the kingdom on earth has been given to the subjects of the Kingdom, those followers of Jesus called disciples. All those in the kingdom are to spread it around: at home, with friends and family, through our work, and to the ends of the earth. Discipleship is intentional relationship.

But there is opposition to the Kingdom of God. The arrival of the Kingdom 2000 years ago provoked a response from the powers of darkness, from Satan and his minions. That warfare is still going on today. It is not a civil war between two equal forces, but a war fought by a deceived and fallen created being, a fallen angel named Satan. The final outcome has been decided at the cross when Jesus died and defeated Satan, where Jesus made the defeat of Satan an open and public triumph. But Satan still believes he can win the world – so the battle rages on.

Disciples of Jesus are busy doing the things Jesus did when he was on earth.

How do we know the Kingdom of God is at work among us? What kingdom work did Jesus do? What gives us hope that God is visiting us? We know the Kingdom is among us because God confirms the presence of His kingdom with kingdom “signs”. What are those signs? Here is what we can look for:

The Signs of the Kingdom

• Jesus is the First and Most Important Sign of the Kingdom of God (Luke 17:21, Matthew 18:20). We find Jesus working in people’s lives. They get saved. They get excited about Jesus. Jesus is talked about and loved and obeyed. He is the main sign of the Kingdom because he is the King of the Kingdom of God.

• The Preaching of Good News of the Kingdom takes place (Luke 4:18 -19). Kingdom people tell others about their king!

• Miracles, healing and deliverance from demons begins to happen (Luke 7:22). God confirms the breaking in of His Kingdom with miracles.

•  Salvation of people through being born again (1 Thessalonians 1:9, Romans 1:16, Acts 26:18)

• Suffering by those who seek to advance the Kingdom of God (1 Peter 2:21, Philippians 1:27-29)

• Peacemaking, mercy to the lost and kindness to the poor are signs of the Kingdom of God. (Matthew 5:16)

• Kingdom communities are started and multiplied. Churches spring up. New churches are planted and old churches get revived. (1 Peter 2:9 -12)

The signs and good deeds of the Kingdom are a signal of something new in our midst. It is a taste of what it will be like when the Kingdom is fully here in all of God’s power and glory, when earth becomes heaven, and all of nature and human kind are freed from sin and evil to love and worship God forever.

The Sermon on the Mount

Before preaching the sermon on the mount, where Jesus outlines the character and goals of his kingdom, Satan tempts Jesus with another kingdom:

Matt. 4:8-10 “Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he said,  “if you will bow down and worship me.” Jesus said to him,  “Away from me, Satan! For it is written:  ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’”

After resisting the offer of worldly kingdoms, Jesus begins His public ministry, teaching about the Kingdom of God.

Matt. 4:17-20 “From that time on Jesus began to preach,  “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and followed him.”

It is interesting to note that Jesus was tempted with other kingdoms just as we are, yet without ever yielding to those temptations. When Jesus resisted Satan’s offer of false kingdoms, he could proclaim His father’s kingdom with authority, as one who said no to false rule, power and authority.

Jesus then set about to call his disciples and began his public ministry. Once he had called his disciples to follow him, Jesus began to do miracles, which resulted in large crowds following him. Though he had compassion for the crowds, he regularly drew away from the multitudes to teach his disciples about those things in life that were most important, more important than miracles and multitudes. Because his focus was his rule in the hearts of his disciples, he taught them about living life in the Kingdom, about how to walk out the lifestyle of submission to His rule. This is what Jesus taught about the kingdom lifestyle:

Matt. 5:1-12 “Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them, saying:

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

After turning down the offer of earthly kingdoms from Satan, Jesus is anxious to make sure his disciples understand the implications of living under the rule of the heavenly kingdom. He carefully spells out what kingdom spirituality looks like, lived out on earth. He clarifies who it is that will possess the kingdom of God and on what terms.

He pronounces blessings on those who live in the kingdom – who live the kingdom lifestyle:

Blessed are those who are broken in spirit

Blessed are the meek

Blessed are those who hunger for spiritual things

Blessed are those who are merciful

Blessed are the pure in heart

Blessed are peacemakers

Blessed are those persecuted and falsely accused

He then makes it very clear that Kingdom people are commissioned people:

Matt. 5:13-14 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.”

The word ‘blessed’ or ‘blessing’, literally means “happy, fortunate, blissful.” Jesus is describing the present and future inheritance of citizens of the Kingdom of God. He is defining how that inheritance can be received, both now and in the future. The beatitudes demonstrate that the lifestyle of the Kingdom of God is antithetical to the kingdom of darkness. The kingdom of darkness of this present age presents a happiness that is found in riches, success, beauty, entertainment, comfort, freedom of personal choice, and ungodly tolerance for one another. The real truth is the very opposite. True happiness is found in obeying the truths of the Kingdom of God, those truths we call the beatitudes.

Blessed are the poor in spirit – The opposite of self-sufficiency. This speaks of the deep humility of recognizing one’s spiritual bankruptcy apart from the rule of God in one’s life. It speaks of the beauty of repentance as an attitude of life, of recognizing and confessing our lostness apart from God’s grace on a daily basis.  Those who recognize their lostness apart from God are the ones who can inherit the kingdom.

Blessed are those who mourn – This speaks of mourning over sin, the godly sorrow that produces repentance leading to salvation and restored relationship with God and others. The comfort spoken of is the comfort of forgiveness and restored relationship. The bible teaches about the difference between godly sorrow and worldly sorrow.

Blessed are the meek – Meekness is the opposite of weakness. Weakness is to give in to lust, greed, anger, bitterness, and self-protection. It is the sin of idol worship. To be weak is to find our comfort in false pleasures. To be weak is to be out of control. To be weak is to hide from God and others. Meekness is the opposite of weakness: it is the fruit of self-control that comes from being under the rule of God. It is surrender to the rule of king Jesus. It is strength under submission. It is passion refined and dedicated to our creator’s glory. The meek are the ones who truly enjoy the earth, not from a position of power but from unselfish delight in the world God has given us to enjoy.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness – People hunger for many things in life when they don’t hunger for godly righteousness. That God-shaped void in the human heart is only truly satisfied when it settles on Jesus, true righteousness. The two main hungers of the human soul, beauty and adventure, or call it intimacy and purpose, are only fully satisfied in acknowledging and accepting Jesus as the king of our lives. That is the meaning of hungering and thirsting for righteousness. For some that hunger is unlocked in seeing a sunset, or surfing a wave, or stalking a dangerous animal in the African bush, or penning a poem of thanksgiving... but Jesus is the source of those longings; they are fulfilled in the ultimate expression of truth in the person of Jesus himself.

Blessed are the merciful – Kingdom people forgive – because God has forgiven them. They don’t hold grudges, or carry resentment in their hearts. The Kingdom of God is a kingdom characterized by the mercy of God for anyone who will welcome Jesus to be the king of their lives – and so, they give mercy to others as well.

Blessed are the pure in heart – God’s kingdom is not for perfect people, but members of the kingdom are taught and asked to keep their motives pure. In other words, they are to continually search their hearts and to regularly repent of the hidden sins of the heart, jealousy, lust, resentment, coveting, pride and so on. They resist pride of religion – that is, the temptation to look good to others while hiding secret sins of the heart. The Kingdom of God is a kingdom from the heart, from the inside out.

Blessed are the peacemakers – Kingdom people don’t seek war, but peace. They seek ways to reconcile enemies and races and families or other divided people. To be a peacemaker starts in our own hearts, but doesn’t stop there. Kingdom peacemakers seek peace between nations, such as Israel and Palestine, or between races, between Blacks and Whites.

Blessed are those who are persecuted and falsely accused – Those who live under the rule of King Jesus in the Kingdom of God will be persecuted by those who oppose the rule of Jesus. Their will be mockery, loss of jobs hatred and even in some countries, murder, torture and imprisonment. Jesus did not promise us that we would escape such difficulty, but that it is our privilege to follow in his footsteps as one who suffered and died for us.

The Gospel of the Kingdom

Introduction: In the inter-testamental time, the time between when Malachi was written and Matthew wrote his gospel, there was no prophet to speak for God – or from God. During this time, a longing grew in the hearts of the people of Israel, a longing not only to hear from God, but also for God to rescue his people. The longing of the people was likened to the time when David reigned. His kingdom was a time when:

  1. Their enemies were defeated

  2. Worship was restored

  3. Their was peace and prosperity

In the writings during this period of time a phrase was coined, words were found to express the longing of the people of God. They spoke of a kingdom to come that was liked David’s kingdom, but far greater than David’s. They called it the “kingdom of God…”

When John the Baptist appeared suddenly, prophesying and speaking for God, there was great rejoicing. The people asked him if he was the one who was going to usher in the “…Kingdom of God…” His response:

“I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”Matthew 3:11

So when Jesus came striding on the scene, and spoke these words,

“The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”

The people knew what Jesus was saying. The time of their waiting was over. God was getting ready to break in and deliver them. They believed…

  1. Their enemies were going to be defeated

  2. Glorious worship was going to take place in Jerusalem

  3. A time of unparalleled peace and prosperity was going to break loose upon them

Each of the three gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke, begin with this story. The disciples made the connection. God sent a prophet to prepare the people for one ushering in the kingdom of God. Jesus was the one who had come to deliver his people.

But then things went bad. The one who preached the kingdom, who stirred their hearts to great heights of expectation, disappointed them. The very Roman soldiers he was supposed to overthrow, arrested him. He was killed on a cross, where Moses said blasphemers and law breakers were to be put to death.

The Great Misunderstanding: the kind of kingdom God was setting up. They wanted a power kingdom, a kingdom that would free them from the Romans and feed their stomachs.

The Greater Misunderstanding: the kind of king who ruled in the kingdom of God.

The people of Israel thought the messiah king was coming once. They did not foresee that he would come two times, first to introduce his kingdom, then to finally establish his kingdom. They believed when Messiah came he would set up his kingdom on earth. Period. End of Story. The age of the future would suddenly invade this age, and history would end.

The spiritual leaders of Jesus day believed the kingdom of God was coming for them, to bless them, to prosper them, to set them free. They did not see it as a kingdom for others, a kingdom for the poor, the powerless. They did not see themselves as the oppressors that God’s kingdom was against.

What kind of kingdom is the Kingdom of God? 

• The kingdom of God is an already – and a not-yet kingdom. We live with tension: the king has come but has not fully come. He came as a servant, he will come as a mighty warrior. He heals sicknesses, but we still live with disease and death. He defeated Satan, but he still prowls around, seeking people to devour. We live in this tension of being between…most theological error comes because people try to force the kingdom to fully come NOW. Demand healing NOW, they demand Satan be bound NOW, they demand prosperity NOW, they demand gay marriages be banned NOW.

• The kingdom of God is an under kingdom – not an over kingdom. There is no such thing as a Christian nation NOW. We have two glaring examples of that not working in our immediate past: South Africa and the United States.

• The kingdom of God is a grassroots kingdom – not a skyscraper kingdom. There is an incredible growing, grass-roots movement taking place all over South Africa. I find it in every town and city in this nation. People caring for those impacted by AIDS. Job schemes. Savings clubs. Housing initiatives. Business training programs. Not a few, scores, hundreds, maybe thousands of tens of thousands. Examples:  Out side Durban in a squatter camp a small band of young people living among AIDS impacted people. Mama Gladys in Port Elizabeth. A home for babies in Johannesburg. Every church is involved. Many business people. Living Hope in Cape Town. A white family moved into Mamelodi, then bought a burned out school building and now run a home for disadvantaged children. A Professional hunter named Rufus in the Eastern Cape who attracts clients from America so he can take them into the villages of the Transkei.

• The kingdom of God is an every day kingdom – not a one day a week kingdom. Bill and Ann Eames – Hope Crafts. Neil and Mandi Hart in PE.

• The kingdom of God is a full time kingdom – not a part time kingdom. Wendy Ryan – journalist who started a sewing class, that turning into a business that has grown out of control.

• The kingdom of God is a church based, disciple making kingdom – God sends his church into every sphere of life to advance the kingdom by making disciples and transforming society through life on life discipleship. The church has it’s greatest impact will goes into the world, not by asking the world to come to it. It is an incarnational kingdom...

• The kingdom of God is a horizontal kingdom – not a vertical kingdom. John Broom – retiring from Meadowridge Baptist now meeting with businessmen who are burned out and fed up with hype and religion but want to do the kingdom. Sunday church is half-time, and the game is played all week in the market place, the education classroom, the government office, the sports field, and in the factories, mines, and offices where people meet people

Conclusion: What is happening in this country could gain enough momentum to transform the whole nation. What does that kingdom based, discipleship oriented , local church driven transformation look like? Not power and control over the government, not erasing all sin and passing laws to control the hearts of the unredeemed, but life on life influence, small communities of faith, and large celebrations of believers celebrating what god is doing all week long in their lives.

What it does mean is a movement Jesus followers, spontaneously growing and multiplying, led by ordinary people who are making disciples, gathering in homes and shops and soccer fields and schools, equipping leaders, and planting simple churches that are not dependent on buildings or theological specialists.

Transformation means a grass roots movement that becomes so pervasive you can change laws because you have changed so many hearts.

Transformation means servant leaders who lead by example, by their tireless efforts to serve and uplift the poor and oppressed.

Transformation means a change in the way people treat each other. A transformed South Africa is a South Africa where crime goes down because poverty has been removed from our nation, every family has a home, every child has a decent education, and every person has a job. Transformation means Christians get off their back sides and form street committees to watch out for each other, not waiting for big brother to do it for them.

Transformation means …

-       Holistic not dualistic spirituality

-       Apostolic not hierarchical leadership

-       Simple every day church, not complicated, performance church

-       Incarnational not attractional mission

-       Membership through belonging not just believing

I am amazed how many people believe in the priesthood of the believer, church is people not buildings, and God calls us all to obey the great commission, yet fall back into old paradigms of mission and church as soon as the conference finished.

God wants your life to make a difference now. Don’t wait for permission to do something, you have been given the power to do something!