Life is Like a Coin

Something happened this week that required me to respond in a right way.  It reminded me of something I heard years ago.  Our Christian life and walk with the Lord is similar to a coin.  One side is what we think and believe.  The other side is how we live out those beliefs - how we apply them to daily life.  How we live reveals what we truly believe.  God helped me respond rightly!!

"You teach others, why don't you teach yourself?  You tell others not to steal, but do you steal?"  Romans 2:21

"Be doers of the word, and not hearers only."  James 1:22

"Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth."  1 John 3:18

I've been so keenly aware this week of God's grace, strength, and help.  I couldn't make it on my own.  I'm so grateful for His care and faithfulness!

How to Prompt Trustworthiness in Others

When we feel and express gratitude towards others it fosters a sense of trustworthiness in them, which in turn, leads to trustworthy behaviour.  Even the most broken person has potential for greatness.  When we see that potential, we convey it in our attitude.

Be intentional about expressing belief and gratitude in people and you will inspire them to hope in themselves...even when hope has been destroyed in their past

Who Can You Trust?

God's trust in us is a gift based on His grace.  We should trust people for the same reason... His grace.  After all, everything outside of hell is grace.

Most people don't rise above the expectations of others unless there is someone who believes in them, who really thinks they are worth believing in.

Be a leader who believes in people and you will attract them to your cause and inspire them to grow.   Be a leader who sees the potential in others and draws them into their own personal greatness...